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Democracy . Is it under grave threat.

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Good work . I'm glad you spotted the deliberate mistake (chuckle ).


I'll rely on you to keep me on my toes.


"Big deal " I don't think it is. It's hardly obsessive. It's the first time I've tried to help somebody out by suggesting an alternative sentence structure (smiley tongue in cheek or whatever they are ). Grammar is a nightmare.All those : nouns, pronouns, adjectives,verbs, irregular verbs -and all the rest.

It's a wonder anybody can communicate at all.

I'll occasionally drop in the deliberate mistake for you two find (another smiley what's it ).


Long live Democracy ! So it goes.

When you corrected Cyclone you made an error yourself, was that "deliberate" also?

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the thing is that, people seems not to be able to free itself from the boundaries this society has chosen to put on their members, even if those limitations are easy to break. If those illutions are not broken by a "so called" free-society, that means the society is not functional. The worst part is, that it is destroying us all as well

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When you corrected Cyclone you made an error yourself, was that "deliberate" also?

Probably was . You see my clumsy fingers go all over the place when I'm using a jumpy Android. Don't ever get one.

I suggested to Cyclone a better sentence structure to convey his intent; would be to substitute , "Is it irony ", for , "It is ironic" . It fits perfectly with the rest of his sentence. Anyway, as you would know, irony and ironic are probably two of the most abused words in English language


We are getting way off topic in a thread dedicated to, Democracy . People are probably tired of this conflab between you and me.

Edited by petemcewan
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Another option for all the displaced Muslims, is to:


a) leave them in their own country, but the donor countries would provide assistance for them to get to a safe haven within that country

b) the donor countries would provide the necessary security away from the danger areas

c) the donor countries would agree to feed and house the refugees, and provide the basics of education and medicine

d) the Nato countries would continue to seek either a negotiated settlement or, if necessary, pursue a settlement by force (as now with Syria), and removal of the offending government leaders. The intention would be to get the refugees back into their own areas asap


This way all the muslim countries(Saudia/Kuwait/Iran etc) would and should assist by providing funds towards the upkeep costs, which they are not doing today. Russia, China and Japan etc can also assist with funds or services. The primary Nato countries would continue to do what they are doing and lead the campaign to remove the threat, and also contribute towards the relocation costs.


The objective is for the refugees to stay in their own countries, be safe and cared for. They would not have to risk trekking through 2 or 3 different countries and crossing large bodies of water to get to safety

The European countries would also not be overwhelmed with thousands of refugees, many who have historically not assimilated very well.


The resentment levels will be nothing like they would be if a million refugees are squeezed into a western Europe with a lack of space, and whose social services cannot handle them

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Another option for all the displaced Muslims, is to:


a) leave them in their own country, but the donor countries would provide assistance for them to get to a safe haven within that country

b) the donor countries would provide the necessary security away from the danger areas

c) the donor countries would agree to feed and house the refugees, and provide the basics of education and medicine

d) the Nato countries would continue to seek either a negotiated settlement or, if necessary, pursue a settlement by force (as now with Syria), and removal of the offending government leaders. The intention would be to get the refugees back into their own areas asap


This way all the muslim countries(Saudia/Kuwait/Iran etc) would and should assist by providing funds towards the upkeep costs, which they are not doing today. Russia, China and Japan etc can also assist with funds or services. The primary Nato countries would continue to do what they are doing and lead the campaign to remove the threat, and also contribute towards the relocation costs.


The objective is for the refugees to stay in their own countries, be safe and cared for. They would not have to risk trekking through 2 or 3 different countries and crossing large bodies of water to get to safety

The European countries would also not be overwhelmed with thousands of refugees, many who have historically not assimilated very well.


The resentment levels will be nothing like they would be if a million refugees are squeezed into a western Europe with a lack of space, and whose social services cannot handle them


Sounds like a damn good plan that could actually work. :thumbsup:

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Democracy . Is it under grave threat.


In Germany, if it wasn't apparent enough before, it very clearly is: the German administration reportedly ordered CCTV footage of the Cologne attacks to be erased.


The discussion was on Polish state TV’s TVP Info channel- in the “Po przecinku” (“After the comma”) program, shown on 9 January 2016.


The guests were Dr Magdalena El Ghamari, an expert on terrorism from Białystok university and Dr Ryszard Żółtaniecki, a sociologist and former diplomat.





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Democracy . Is it under grave threat.


In Germany, if it wasn't apparent enough before, it very clearly is: the German administration reportedly ordered CCTV footage of the Cologne attacks to be erased.


The discussion was on Polish state TV’s TVP Info channel- in the “Po przecinku” (“After the comma”) program, shown on 9 January 2016.


The guests were Dr Magdalena El Ghamari, an expert on terrorism from Białystok university and Dr Ryszard Żółtaniecki, a sociologist and former diplomat.





Why would they do such a thing ?


In whose interest do they think they serve by doing such a thing ?


Just something that might interest you. The writer Murray Bukchin has written extensively on a concept he describes as, " Village Green Democracy".

Small scale democratic rule amongst , "a village size population " (a few hundred or so people). Bukchin is one of the few remaining ,"Grand Theorists".

An individual with a well worked out and comprehensive social theory .

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Another option for all the displaced Muslims, is to:


a) leave them in their own country, but the donor countries would provide assistance for them to get to a safe haven within that country

b) the donor countries would provide the necessary security away from the danger areas

c) the donor countries would agree to feed and house the refugees, and provide the basics of education and medicine

d) the Nato countries would continue to seek either a negotiated settlement or, if necessary, pursue a settlement by force (as now with Syria), and removal of the offending government leaders. The intention would be to get the refugees back into their own areas asap


This way all the muslim countries(Saudia/Kuwait/Iran etc) would and should assist by providing funds towards the upkeep costs, which they are not doing today. Russia, China and Japan etc can also assist with funds or services. The primary Nato countries would continue to do what they are doing and lead the campaign to remove the threat, and also contribute towards the relocation costs.


The objective is for the refugees to stay in their own countries, be safe and cared for. They would not have to risk trekking through 2 or 3 different countries and crossing large bodies of water to get to safety

The European countries would also not be overwhelmed with thousands of refugees, many who have historically not assimilated very well.


The resentment levels will be nothing like they would be if a million refugees are squeezed into a western Europe with a lack of space, and whose social services cannot handle them


This should have been how the refugee situation was handled,too late now the horse has bolted.Common sense post glenn.

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