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Democracy . Is it under grave threat.

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No to grave threat and no to in danger of being overthrown. Get things in proportion.


There are those ,with a sense of proportion ,who are better informed than you and I . Who do consider that there is a threat.


---------- Post added 06-01-2016 at 17:56 ----------


I got bored very early on in that post.


According to my wife (who 'does' politics, I don't) we don't live in a democracy because of the way our voting system works (she's qualified in politics, it bores me) I do religion, so from my politically unqualified view the answer to your question is no.


At the cost of stretching your attention. I did politics . Democracy is more than a voting systems. It's about :institutions and people's relationship to the State and the Law - just to mention a few Nuff said.

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The threat to western democracy posed by religious fundamentalism is absolutely dwarfed by the threat posed by our response to religious fundamentalism.


Increased suspicionless surveillance, extraordinary rendition, detention without trial.


Donald Trump even wants to ban members of one religion from entering the largest western democracy.


No, those are far greater threats to our democracy than the religious fundamentalists in my view.

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If there are threats to democracy then religious fundamentalism is one, politicians in Westminster would be another (e.g. threats to take away some liberties). There are other institutions that may be considered a threat to democracy, but I'm too tied to think of them.

As others have said, I think things need to be kept in proportion. But we must be ever vigilant to ensure people's freedoms and rights, which are precious, and hard fought for, aren't eroded.


I get your point about " politicians".

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The threat to western democracy posed by religious fundamentalism is absolutely dwarfed by the threat posed by our response to religious fundamentalism.


Increased suspicionless surveillance, extraordinary rendition, detention without trial.


Donald Trump even wants to ban members of one religion from entering the largest western democracy.


No, those are far greater threats to our democracy than the religious fundamentalists in my view.


A very good response. You're correct that things like detention without trial is about how 'democracies' like ours respond to what are perceived to be threats.

I hear a lot from politicians who say after something like 7/7, 'people must continue to go about their business to show the terrorists they haven't won'. But if we participate in extraordinary rendition and detention without trial, then the terrorists have won.

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The threat to western democracy posed by religious fundamentalism is absolutely dwarfed by the threat posed by our response to religious fundamentalism.


Increased suspicionless surveillance, extraordinary rendition, detention without trial.


Donald Trump even wants to ban members of one religion from entering the largest western democracy.


No, those are far greater threats to our democracy than the religious fundamentalists in my view.


I don't necessarily disagree, however if we accept that then do we accept the undemocratic acts undertaken in the name of fighting Nazism were a greater threat than Hitler? Suspension of elections, internment without trial based on nationality and/or political views are clearly undemocratic, but were judged a lesser evil at the time.

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Short answer, no. A more pertinent question the OP might like to consider is - is the use of the question mark to denote a question a dying art?


It "appears to be " .



I admire your emphatic , "No". It demonstrates a confidence not shared by political commentators such as Todorov. But, the hell, what does he know. So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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I don't necessarily disagree, however if we accept that then the undemocratic acts undertaken in the name of fighting Nazism were a greater threat than Hitler? Suspension of elections, internment without trial based on nationality and/or political views are clearly undemocratic, but were judged a lesser evil at the time.


I guess where there is 'Total War', in which Britons lived between 1939-45, then, yes, certain liberties may have to be curtailed. However Britain 2016 is not in that situation. And again in the 1970s, Internment in Northern Ireland was a disaster.

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