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Hi - Scout Archivist here

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Oh, yes, there were lots of them:

"you will never get to heaven with a fat girl guide, cause a fat girl guide won't get inside"

"you will never get to heaven on Glyn's menu, cause a Glyn's menu, aint got new stew"

Always finished with:

"you will never get to heaven, St Peter said, he closed his book, and went to bed"


Also enjoyed singing the full set of "On Ilkley Moor bar 'tat" especially when camping with scouts from other parts of the country.


---------- Post added 05-06-2018 at 07:05 ----------


I was with 242 Walkley Ebenezer - fun times and fond memories.


Cubs was run by (I think) John Falconer or Falkner. I was in "pink" six and eventually became the sixer.

Scouts was run initially by Derek Smalley and then John Sutcliffe with his brother Pete Sutcliffe.

We also had a sort of venture scout group at the top end of the ages.


Played in band (drummer) and went on a few camps. Annual Whit walk to Weston Park with Sunday School Queen and Captain.


Anyone else with 242 or remember me?

Edited by TWhits
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