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Tonsillitis - Help!

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Help can somebody recommend the best way to sleep having swollen tonsils I have been taking the medication for four days now Ive got rid of the fevers at night its just swallowing saliva when sleeping that keeps me up it sounds stupid but it's quite hard to not swallow saliva and naturally do it when you are asleep


any tips on how to sleep with such a painful throat :(


Thanks Jack!

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I had my tonsils out when I was 12, but my sister swears by children's ibuprofen syrup, used with a medicine syringe to squirt into the holes in the tonsil (you'll need a mirror to do this) and applied topically all over the tonsil and held in place for as long as possible to be absorbed into the tissues. She reckons that the dose for a 6 year old is better for pain relief at night than tramadol and allows her to swallow and sleep for a good 4 hours for each dose, so only needing to repeat it once during the night to get a good quality night's sleep.


This assumes that you can take ibuprofen, of course, and not everybody can.

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Help can somebody recommend the best way to sleep having swollen tonsils I have been taking the medication for four days now Ive got rid of the fevers at night its just swallowing saliva when sleeping that keeps me up it sounds stupid but it's quite hard to not swallow saliva and naturally do it when you are asleep


any tips on how to sleep with such a painful throat :(


Thanks Jack!


Has anyone mentioned this:




Works a treat :thumbsup:

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Has anyone mentioned this:




Works a treat :thumbsup:



I had a bad case of septic tonsillitis in the summer. I was given a 10 day course of antibiotics and someone recommended chloraseptic spray to use until they kicked in.

It was horrendous, made my tonsils sting so badly I could hardly bear it.


I found that the only thing that actually helped at night was just to keep drinking water. Not ideal I know but if I didnt keep drinking through the night it was agony in the morning.

Im fairly sure the meds had made a difference within a couple of days though?


Hope you feel better soon JackKo.

Edited by nikki-red
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Afraid not. Topical application is no more effective than tablet form.


It reaches a much higher tissue concentration faster than taking a pill, using a smaller dose than you would need with a pill. This means that you can take the dose more frequently if you need to, since you're using a smaller dose. If you wish to argue pharmacology can I suggest that we don't do it on the thread?

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