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No such thing as a safe level of drinking

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Someone on TV mentioned that everything carries a risk. Driving to work in the morning does, eating a bacon butty does, eating chocolate does, fizzy drinks, sugar, salt....even sitting perfectly still for two hours can cause health problems. I await bread being blamed for the nation's health problems next.


It's a choice. Most people know that having too much of anything is bad for you.


Anyway, we've finished off the Christmas Advocaat tonight and it's not yet 6pm...so yah boo sucks:razz:


My wonderful grandma used to 'drink' advocaat, she was very peculiar about it, it had to come straight from the freezer and have an equal portion of whipped single cream (slagroom) to go with it and had to be served with a teaspoon. Chocolate sprinkles were a favourite. She would have one every Sunday at 7PM.


I think she was the last person ever to drink Advocaat in the Netherlands (where, oddly, it is from) and this was 20 years ago...

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No definitely not!! the nanny state and EU meddling again ? common sense should prevail, we all know that if we drink a bottle of spirits a day its not going to do us much good?

i would guess that a reasonable consumption of a bottle of wine a day is normal ?? having said that i do try not to drink anything monday and tuesday but sadly i often fail, i like to relax with a glass with friends or the other half after a days stress:o i guess by these guidelines the nanny state consider me an alcho??!:roll:


Thats what his job is for to give advice aimed at the health of the nations population.


Did you even bother to read the story? It's nothing to do with the EU.

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Thats what his job is for to give advice aimed at the health of the nations population.


Did you even bother to read the story? It's nothing to do with the EU.


that may be what his job is for but i would bet good money it comes from some sort of EURO dictat?? everything we do in real life carries danger, an extra glass or two percentage-wise makes little difference:roll:

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Someone on TV mentioned that everything carries a risk. Driving to work in the morning does, eating a bacon butty does, eating chocolate does, fizzy drinks, sugar, salt....even sitting perfectly still for two hours can cause health problems. I await bread being blamed for the nation's health problems next.

It's a choice. Most people know that having too much of anything is bad for you.


Anyway, we've finished off the Christmas Advocaat tonight and it's not yet 6pm...so yah boo sucks:razz:


Already is. Very bad for your waistline old chap.

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that may be what his job is for but i would bet good money it comes from some sort of EURO dictat?? everything we do in real life carries danger, an extra glass or two percentage-wise makes little difference:roll:


Your guessing again and you guessed wrong. I understand for whatever reason you ahve a prejudice against the EU, but blaming them when you havent even read the story is just rather silly.

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Drinking Advocaat can seriously damage your credibility :hihi:


My favourite tipple. Only at home though....not down the pub.:suspect:


---------- Post added 08-01-2016 at 18:34 ----------


The amount of butter I've just put in my smoked salmon risotto is more likely to kill me.


Plus the bottle of wine we'll have with it.


Better for you than Marg.

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that may be what his job is for but i would bet good money it comes from some sort of EURO dictat?? everything we do in real life carries danger, an extra glass or two percentage-wise makes little difference:roll:


100£ says not.


Eurosceptics are so predictably ignorant about how a country works and who says what and is responsible for what that it is laughable, but now it has become easy money as well!

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It's not too long since the advice was that men drinking 2 pints a day would live longer than teetotallers, so we can expect the latest advice to change.

In the meantime I think we'll just carry on drinking as we do now.

I'm surprised they don't drink Advocaat in the Netherlands, my missus loves it in a snowball, it's also got the advantage of stopping her drinking my whisky and beer.

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