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No such thing as a safe level of drinking

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We will probably get snuffed out by a spoon full of sugar first.


Or an asteroid. Or an aids pandemic. Or something WW3. As has been said above, it's only advice which you can take or leave. I struggle to fully believe a lot of the health guidelines too, but I suspect that's more to do with me really liking bacon so ignoring anyone who tries to tell me it's bad for me, than not really accepting the figures.

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Whilst the research might be sound, although presenting it just after the new-year makes me suspicious, I think it was presented (as it always is) rather poorly.


Alcohol is a carcinogen, so the fact that there is no safe level is simple common sense. But there are many common known and unknown carcinogens that we live with and have no safe levels; infections, meat, exhaust particles, food additives, chemicals, radiation even seminal fluid.


So we could say that there is no safe level of driving, eating or having sex.


I understand that the 14-unit limit has been chosen because at that point, your drinking leads to a 1% risk of dying from alcohol-related causes, and this has been deemed to be an acceptable level of risk as it is approximately the same risk that someone has when they do an every day task such as driving a car.


I don't think this has been communicated very well, also I'm not sure about the validity of this comparison. Most of us have to drive, so it is right for society to minimise the risks as much as possible, whilst we choose to drink. Many of the things that we choose to do because we enjoy doing them will carry a higher degree of risk that those things we have to do, and the benefits will probably outweigh the risks.


In addition the research does not take account of any of the health benefits of alcohol. Walking to the pub, socialising with friends, de-stressing, possible reduction in heart disease are all health benefits of alcohol whilst I'm struggling to think of any benefits from driving.


At the end of the day it is correct to remind us of the risks in a mature adult way, but not in a manner that seems "nanny-state" which is the way this was imho; and always remember that states that ban alcohol always prove to be unhealthy and unpleasant places to live.

Edited by milquetoast1
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^^^ totally agree.


As usual its the press who have splashed their story all over their pages and massively hyped it up. A drop of alcohol will kill you. A pint will cause cancer. Just like the whole MMR thing which was totally manufactured by the newspapers and turned a humble sole opinion in a medical report into god given facts - this long winded, boring report has been chopped and mangled to fit into a newspaper's sensationalist narrative.


Like others have said, we all know that any amount of alcohol is bad for us, anything we consume will involve some things which are bad for us, even too much fruit and veg is bad for us.


As for the 14 unit limit, that sounds about right doesn't it? Its not just me surely?


Most people I know don't drink every night of the week. We've got to work, we drive cars, we come home and have families to look after.


People may have a couple of drinks after work a couple of nights and/or a bigger session on a Friday or Saturday night but I suspect levelled out that is reaching the 14-18 unit levels anyway.


Are there really that may people who are regularly going well above those levels? If that's the case then maybe they do need to be told to put a stop to it. Not really nanny state there. More just common sense.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Tough new guidelines issued on alcohol have cut recommended drinking limits and say there is no such thing as a safe level of drinking


Bummer innit :(


There go my Saturday nights! :D


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 16:05 ----------


You could get


Paha! :D............


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 16:06 ----------


b)the state recognising that living a "modern life" in the UK requires a potent, toxic, CNS depressant drug just to to be bearable for many people


Bout sums it up :gag:


(Hi Phan :wave:)

Edited by Solomon1
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Tough new guidelines issued on alcohol have cut recommended drinking limits and say there is no such thing as a safe level of drinking.


The UK's chief medical officers say new research shows any amount of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer.


The new advice says men and women who drink regularly should consume no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.


Did anyone ever follow the previous guidelines, and will anyone be changing their drinking habits in light of this new advice?


Unlikely to alter anything, and not based on any evidence AFAIK.


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 16:43 ----------


i would guess that a reasonable consumption of a bottle of wine a day is normal ??

Borderline alcoholic I'd have said.


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 16:44 ----------


that may be what his job is for but i would bet good money it comes from some sort of EURO dictat??


You'd lose that bet.


---------- Post added 10-01-2016 at 16:45 ----------


Statistics, data, evidence, knowledge.


Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any of these involved in the new guidelines.

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