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Decent behaviour on the roads

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The other evening as I was driving home I had an unpleasant experience whilst turning off Far Lane into Garry Road. Cars were parked solid on my side of the road, leaving room for only one vehicle. I saw a fairly large car driving up, and as a rule I give way to vehicles driving up a hill. On this occasion there were spaces on his side available to pull into, but he didn't. I waited, but he drove right up to me, and my only option was to back up, even though that meant reversing into a fairly busy road. I also wonder if he would have employed the same tactics if I'd been male, younger, and in a similar 4x4 to the one he was driving.


I felt quite intimidated, and as a courteous road user myself, can't help wondering what mindset that driver had. Was I wrong to expect him to see the conditions and exercise a bit of awareness?


You are in the wrong. Whilst the other driver could've given way - you should have done. http://www.theorytestadvice.co.uk/highway-code/search.php?search=uphill

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You are in the wrong. Whilst the other driver could've given way - you should have done. http://www.theorytestadvice.co.uk/highway-code/search.php?search=uphill


Where? If you are half way down a road (if I've understood the incident correctly) with parked cars down your side - where do you go? Does the Highway Code specify you should reverse til there is a space?

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You are in the wrong. Whilst the other driver could've given way - you should have done. http://www.theorytestadvice.co.uk/highway-code/search.php?search=uphill


Where? If you are half way down a road (if I've understood the incident correctly) with parked cars down your side - where do you go? Does the Highway Code specify you should reverse til there is a space?


Ron Jeremy and Dave Angel having a conversation. Only on Sheffield Forum. :)

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Where? If you are half way down a road (if I've understood the incident correctly) with parked cars down your side - where do you go? Does the Highway Code specify you should reverse til there is a space?


Give way to vehicles coming uphill whenever you can. If necessary, reverse until you reach a passing place to let the other vehicle pass.

From the link.



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From the link.




As I understand it, the other driver was in the wrong. If there was nowhere for the OP to pull in without reversing on to a main road, and the other driver had space to pull in, even if he was coming up a hill, he should have pulled in.

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