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Decent behaviour on the roads

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Only happened to me once, but I had a similar incident with a van. My way was clear when I pulled out to overtake the parked cars but then a van turned from a side turning further on. If he'd just waited there we would both have been on our way in a few seconds but he decided to pull forwards to block my path. At this point another car was now behind me and we would have both had to reversed at least 50m back compared to his 5m! He started gesturing at me to reverse, so I smugly turned off my ignition and held up the keys so he could see, and smiled at him. I wasn't in a hurry. :D He backed up and we both got on with our day. Luckily most people seem far less ignorant than he was.


As others have said, you may have priority on paper in some situations, but it's all about awareness. Just be aware of others and try to find compromises. Driving is no different to normal life.

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I was in an office in Barnsley a while ago now looking over a road where you can only really park on 1 side or you cannot get cars down safely. Cars parked on both sides are a no go, but somebody in their wisdom decided to park opposite a car on the other side and then a lot followed suit. As a result while i was there a fire engine turned up with blues and two's blaring away and couldn't get through. The police followed quite quickly and told the driver of the fire engine just to go down the street as the call came from a unit at the end of the street where the cars were parked and there was no other way in. This ended up with several damaged cars who all got tickets from the police and from what i believe all the drivers were charged with damaging the fire engine.

The moral of this is think before you just park up, jump out and walk off.

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When entering a road always check its clear first, if you cant see because of an obstruction enter more slowly until you get a good vision, if a car is coming stay where you are until it passes. If youve already entered the road & you then spot a car coming towards you & there is parked cars on either side drive down to the nearest pull in, if its on your side...pull in, if its on their side...wait for them to pull in, then you can both carry on your journeys, never reverse out of a side street onto a busy road. :)


I always enter the top of that road slowly because I'm aware of the conditions, ie parked cars and an impossibility to see any distance down the street as you turn. You've described the situation exactly, no space on my side, plenty on his, but he chose not to pull in but instead drive right up to my car. I wish I'd just done the same as sgtkate!

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I always enter the top of that road slowly because I'm aware of the conditions, ie parked cars and an impossibility to see any distance down the street as you turn. You've described the situation exactly, no space on my side, plenty on his, but he chose not to pull in but instead drive right up to my car. I wish I'd just done the same as sgtkate!


In that case he's an ignorant twonk & I would have stayed where I was until he moved into the space to let me pass, no-one has the right of way when both sides of the street are blocked with parked cars, unfortunately some people think they own the road & dont look no further than the front of their bonnet.

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