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Sheffield arena crossing

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I was driving down past the arena today and a group of people with small children were stood at crossing as I drove down the hill traffic lights on green almost at the crossing the group proceeded to run across the road dragging the small children across in front of me forcing me to brake harshly all for the sake of them saving 10 seconds waiting for me to pass? Or the lights to change?


Do people lack common sense? Risking not only their lives but those of the children.

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You don't know how long they were stood there waiting, they may have been stood waiting for a few minutes only to realise the crossings not working (it happens) so made the decision to cross at the next available opportunity...


by the sounds of your description, there was a fair distance between you and the crossing at the point you saw them, and you were UP the hill from them also, so you would have seen them sooner than they saw you...


So they will have made the decision to cross based on no other cars around, started crossing, and by this time you were almost at the crossing, and they notice you (already started to cross) so had to run....


this sort of thing has happened to me a few times, and you can literally look left and right, see no cars, then start crossing, looking left and right while you do so, then the second look you spot a car, because they are travelling so much quicker than walking speed...

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You don't know how long they were stood there waiting, they may have been stood waiting for a few minutes only to realise the crossings not working (it happens) so made the decision to cross at the next available opportunity...


by the sounds of your description, there was a fair distance between you and the crossing at the point you saw them, and you were UP the hill from them also, so you would have seen them sooner than they saw you...


So they will have made the decision to cross based on no other cars around, started crossing, and by this time you were almost at the crossing, and they notice you (already started to cross) so had to run....


this sort of thing has happened to me a few times, and you can literally look left and right, see no cars, then start crossing, looking left and right while you do so, then the second look you spot a car, because they are travelling so much quicker than walking speed...


True. Luckily the OP spotted them.

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You don't know how long they were stood there waiting, they may have been stood waiting for a few minutes only to realise the crossings not working (it happens) so made the decision to cross at the next available opportunity...


by the sounds of your description, there was a fair distance between you and the crossing at the point you saw them, and you were UP the hill from them also, so you would have seen them sooner than they saw you...


So they will have made the decision to cross based on no other cars around, started crossing, and by this time you were almost at the crossing, and they notice you (already started to cross) so had to run....


this sort of thing has happened to me a few times, and you can literally look left and right, see no cars, then start crossing, looking left and right while you do so, then the second look you spot a car, because they are travelling so much quicker than walking speed...


I disagree, as a pedestrian you should see a car before the car sees you (uphill, downhill whatever that won't matter, why would it?). Why they decided to cross rather than wait who knows, perhaps just impatient.

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I disagree, as a pedestrian you should see a car before the car sees you (uphill, downhill whatever that won't matter, why would it?). Why they decided to cross rather than wait who knows, perhaps just impatient.


as a single pedestrian yes maybe, but if you have a couple of kids in tow, you're keeping your eyes on the children, while also trying to check the road etc.... it's easy to miss cars some times, especially if there's a corner just before the crossing, you stand, wait, see nothing, wait another few seconds, still nothing, start to cross, then suddenly there's a car there and you have to speed up... also if there's a bridge at the base of a hill, the bridge can obscure the pedestrians (and drivers) view of each other for a good couple of seconds, which can be the difference...

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There was not a good distance between us when they started to cross or I would not have thought anything of it.



It's not surprising that so many accidents happen when people are careless and people are soon to judge the driver..... Rant over :x

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It infuriates me when people press the button to cross, but then cross anyway before they have a chance to change. Then, when they do change traffic has to stop for no reason...!


If you're just going to cross anyway don't press the button at all.

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It infuriates me when people press the button to cross, but then cross anyway before they have a chance to change. Then, when they do change traffic has to stop for no reason...!


If you're just going to cross anyway don't press the button at all.


Even as a non-driver I couldn't agree more. So many pedestrians press the button without even checking how busy the road is - then immediately cross anyway when they realise there's a huge gap in the traffic. Makes sense to look first and only press the button if the traffic is more or less continuous.


And if you do press the button wait until the lights change.

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