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Homebase And a delivery

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Just look online at all the Argos problems. It seems the new systems they have put in place have killed Argos. Failed deliveries orders taken without stock etc.

I personally would have kept the sofa as it's likely they just had forgot to put the other one on the van and so would have got it at warehouse but by asking for a refund they just cancel your order and the items are availble fore the next customer.

It also take some 5 days for money to come out of your account as it does for it to be credited back. Most of the time it's the banks that delay refunds

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Just look online at all the Argos problems. It seems the new systems they have put in place have killed Argos. Failed deliveries orders taken without stock etc.

I personally would have kept the sofa as it's likely they just had forgot to put the other one on the van and so would have got it at warehouse but by asking for a refund they just cancel your order and the items are availble fore the next customer.

It also take some 5 days for money to come out of your account as it does for it to be credited back. Most of the time it's the banks that delay refunds


I do single day banks transfers all the time, why is it so hard for businesses to do it?

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I had a similar argument relating to refunds with Tesco. They once debited me for my groceries twice. I called and was told it would be 5 days for a refund. When I asked why, I was told that this was how long these transactions took. I pointed out that if I rejected an item with my shop it was refunded straight away, so why would this be any different. There was no answer to that - she was baffled. And would you believe it my refund hit my account almost immediately.

With BACS and CHAPS nowadays, there is no reason why any refund cannot be credited immediately. It may not be their policy. And it may break their working practices, but they are self imposed, so these can be bypassed if they so wish.


The reason I stopped using Tesco deliveries for groceries was very similar. They failed to deliver on the designated day (for unknown reason) and when I rang to enquire what had happened they told me that they would have been able to deliver it the following morning but that my second payment had been refused by my bank.


I enquired why they were debiting the payment twice when the goods were only being delivered once and their response was that they took the money on the morning of the first delivery and when the first attempt was not delivered they refunded the payment (which would take 5 days to reach my bank account) but the second payment was refused through lack of funds (because they had already taken the payment once and I had no idea that it would be needed to be there twice) so they had cancelled the delivery. They also said that my account would now have a limit put on it which was only half of the cost of a weekly shop until I'd ordered and paid properly 4 times to show that I wasn't a habitual non-payer!


It was at that point, labelled a habitual non-payer when I hadn't done anything wrong at all, that I moved companies to one which doesn't take payment 9 hours before they (fail to) attempt delivery.


The sooner that businesses learn that sometimes their models and practises leave very much to be desired from the public point of view, the better. I can make payments within half an hour to someone else's bank account. Why do refunds have to take 5 days and payments need to be taken so long before goods are delivered?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to conclude this, I have had a phone call from Homebase and they are paying via a cheque to have my carpet cleaned. The value of the cheque is £100, so i think its quite a result. They did want me to have a company called Service Master to come and clean the carpet but we refused and took the cheque to get someone in ourselfs.

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