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Coach full of British schoolchildren 'ATTACKED by Calais refugees

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What wars did we start abroad that has caused the influx of people from Syria?


The Iraq war had very poor post war planning. The regime left in power after Saddam was weak and misguided, which in turn was unable to control the population with its borders, which in turn allowed militia groups, which were able to appeal to the isolated Sunnis, who in turn were able to build strength and expand into IS.


Part of the Syrian crisis is caused by support from the west for the pro democracy and opposition factions. I am not saying its wrong, but sanctions and diplomatic involvement bolstered the opposition into what is now a civil war. The consequence of this is people fleeing conflict as this always happens.


This is why everyone recognises the only solution is a diplomatic one where the civil war can be ended, although that in itself is a power struggle between the pro Assad and pro democracy factions.

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The Iraq war had very poor post war planning. The regime left in power after Saddam was weak and misguided, which in turn was unable to control the population with its borders, which in turn allowed militia groups, which were able to appeal to the isolated Sunnis, who in turn were able to build strength and expand into IS.


Part of the Syrian crisis is caused by support from the west for the pro democracy and opposition factions. I am not saying its wrong, but sanctions and diplomatic involvement bolstered the opposition into what is now a civil war. The consequence of this is people fleeing conflict as this always happens.


This is why everyone recognises the only solution is a diplomatic one where the civil war can be ended, although that in itself is a power struggle between the pro Assad and pro democracy factions.


Sorry but you said: Then you need to cease from starting wars abroad.


My question to you is what wars did we start.

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I agree we should stop interfering in the Muslim world and not starting wars with dictators - who we now know were keeping a lid on a far worse madness


There is a very good geopolitical argument for leaving evil dictators and despots to get on with suppressing, torturing and murdering the people who disagree with them inside their own borders.

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The Iraq war had very poor post war planning. The regime left in power after Saddam was weak and misguided, which in turn was unable to control the population with its borders, which in turn allowed militia groups, which were able to appeal to the isolated Sunnis, who in turn were able to build strength and expand into IS.


Part of the Syrian crisis is caused by support from the west for the pro democracy and opposition factions. I am not saying its wrong, but sanctions and diplomatic involvement bolstered the opposition into what is now a civil war. The consequence of this is people fleeing conflict as this always happens.


This is why everyone recognises the only solution is a diplomatic one where the civil war can be ended, although that in itself is a power struggle between the pro Assad and pro democracy factions.


But all those were in reality caused by despicable tyrants ruling under the guise of religion.


Also in each circumstance we were taking asylum seekers fleeing for their lives, begging us to do something about it, and why wouldn't we want to help such people in distress.


The asylum seekers were / are Muslims being persecuted by other Muslims, yet somehow by trying to help everyone gets blamed except the perpetrators.

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Sorry but you said: Then you need to cease from starting wars abroad.


My question to you is what wars did we start.


Youve had your goodwill post. Youll see Eric asked me to clarify and I changed the phrase. Can you make a case the west voluntarily started the second Gulf war? Yes I think you can, especially the second one. It doesnt mean they were without justification, just that they are wars they voluntarily became involved in.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 15:12 ----------


But all those were in reality caused by despicable tyrants ruling under the guise of religion.


Also in each circumstance we were taking asylum seekers fleeing for their lives, begging us to do something about it, and why wouldn't we want to help such people in distress.


The asylum seekers were / are Muslims being persecuted by other Muslims, yet somehow by trying to help everyone gets blamed except the perpetrators.


Except you are missing the point which was being made to Zamo, which he agrees with. You cnat moan about refugees fleeing from conflicts you have helped create.

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... It doesnt mean they were without justification, just that they are wars they voluntarily became involved in.


That logic is twisted if it was justified.


Also, still only blaming the West for the mess of the Middle Eastern Muslim countries.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 16:23 ----------


... Except you are missing the point which was being made to Zamo, which he agrees with. You cnat moan about refugees fleeing from conflicts you have helped create.


Helped create, or tried to help solve after being asked, and attacked.



I'm all for helping refugees, personally I think its better for them to stay and help sort the country out with our assistance, its their country and if all the good people leave then its only going to get worse and only contain bad people.



Also, the issue is many so called refugees aren't refugees.


And then there are the customs, I'm not talking about basic peaceful religious customs, I'm talking about ***** who think throwing bricks at moving cars will get them what they want, those who believe mass rape is ok, etc...




As you say, why is it an issue simply because it was a bus load of children:

a) should we be any more bothered if there are children in the sinking refugee boats, YES

b) every single incident is an atrocious attempted murder, but with so much mayhem going on in the world, its an indictment on society that only stories about children are still shocking. Reading the paper today I must have read about 5 bombings on clearly innocent people.

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Youve had your goodwill post. Youll see Eric asked me to clarify and I changed the phrase. Can you make a case the west voluntarily started the second Gulf war? Yes I think you can, especially the second one. It doesnt mean they were without justification, just that they are wars they voluntarily became involved in.


Again you fail to answer my question.


You stated "Then you need to cease from starting wars abroad."


You use the plural but only give one example which is easily debunked by it being connected to the first Gulf war that was clearly started by Iraq. The Uk and US wanted to remove Saddam back in 1991 but was stopped by the UN.


So, your first example is pretty thin, where are the rest?

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That logic is twisted if it was justified.


Also, still only blaming the West for the mess of the Middle Eastern Muslim countries.


You have an inability to follow arguments. How come Zamo can see it instantly and you always struggle. The issue is if you get involved in other peoples conflicts then there are consequences involving the movement of people amongst other things.


No I wasnt only blaming the west, this is just you making it up again, thats why you are so obnoxious. I was talking about the west becayse the complaint was about consequences affecting the west i.e refugees.


It wouldnt do you any harm if you went away and read a few history books.

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You have an inability to follow arguments. How come Zamo can see it instantly and you always struggle. The issue is if you get involved in other peoples conflicts then there are consequences involving the movement of people amongst other things.


No I wasnt only blaming the west, this is just you making it up again, thats why you are so obnoxious. I was talking about the west becayse the complaint was about consequences affecting the west i.e refugees.


It wouldnt do you any harm if you went away and read a few history books.


And it may help if you were less biased, and rude, you ain't no saint and go further than me in the rudeness department.


I know my history kid, even about you.

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Because only the gormless tars everyone with the same brush. By all means deport people who do not respect our laws.


We keep hearing these stories and seeing the footage of hoardes of young men causing trouble though don't we. A lot of these men are lawless, it's not their fault it's the countries they come from but we certainly don't need people like that in our country, now ship them back and if they return... Ship them back again.

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