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Coach full of British schoolchildren 'ATTACKED by Calais refugees

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Will just have to wait and see whether the doom mongers are proven correct.


Personally i'm for taking action to ensure we are free from this madness rather than thumb twilldling while we 'wait and see'. Do you want to see Koln recreated by Sheffield cathedral? I bloody don't mate.

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Personally i'm for taking action to ensure we are free from this madness rather than thumb twilldling while we 'wait and see'. Do you want to see Koln recreated by Sheffield cathedral? I bloody don't mate.


Well you have plenty of like minded people on the forum you can chat to. Maybe you can have a get together.

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Will just have to wait and see whether the doom mongers are proven correct.
So far, regrettably some of us are.


I can't see the trend reversing, by any measure of objectivity, until and unless Germany drives a coach and horses through Merkel's invite of last year (it won't be Merkel doing that, through self-evident political reasons; it has to be Germany, because they call the EU shots these days).


That's because some of us "doom mongers" are commenting from a strictly logical and dispassionate point of view leaving the humanist element by the door for the sake of reason.


It's a godawful mess already, going worse by the week, and the aggravating part, for me at least, is that it was entirely predictable -and predicted- the very moment it started some years back, when all most here were hearing about, was the UK and the EU squabbling over who would pay what towards a few token navy boats in the Med. In the meantime, Turkish and Lybian passers have made billions from this. Billions FFS!

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Well you have plenty of like minded people on the forum you can chat to. Maybe you can have a get together.


I would hope that nobody on this forum or indeed in Sheffield is prepared to allow the savages of Koln to do it in Sheffield to Sheffield lasses. Difficult times make for difficult choices but the saftey and wellbeing of our people is paramount. Only fully vetted genuine refugees selected from the UNHCR camps should be allowed in and the violent horde of lawless young predatory men sweeping across europe should be repelled from our shores no matter what it takes.


Or get ready for a rape fest - your choice.

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Will just have to wait and see whether the doom mongers are proven correct.


Not so much doom as harsh reality. Millions of un-vetted unknowns arriving in significant numbers has had an impact which has not entirely proved positive for all.


Loob is correct in pointing out that the consequences, which as we all know any action must have, are manifesting themselves in a particularly ugly fashion, were pretty predictable.


A further aggravating factor is that of some of those 'fleeing for their lives', as it turns out, have in fact been living in 3rd party countries quite safely for some time.

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I would hope that nobody on this forum or indeed in Sheffield is prepared to allow the savages of Koln to do it in Sheffield to Sheffield lasses. Difficult times make for difficult choices but the saftey and wellbeing of our people is paramount. Only fully vetted genuine refugees selected from the UNHCR camps should be allowed in and the violent horde of lawless young predatory men sweeping across europe should be repelled from our shores no matter what it takes.


Or get ready for a rape fest - your choice.


Who do you think the police will arrest? The poor innocent rapist immigrants, or the wicked racist locals, trying to defend their people and their city?

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Who do you think the police will arrest? The poor innocent rapist immigrants, or the wicked racist locals, trying to defend their people and their city?
Take an informed guess... :mad:


But in the words of Linda Hagen, of Hero (a private company that runs 40 percent of Norway's reception centres for refugees) "there's no single cultural code to say what is good or bad behaviour because we want a free society, there has to be tolerance for attitudes that may be seen as immoral by some traditional or religious norms" (said in the context/aftermath of the alleged rape of a 3 year-old boy by a refugee in a Norwegian refugee centre).


When political correctness turns beyond abject. If any medial practitioner ever needed evidence that a bleeding heart can very severely impair the brain's capacity to process information rationally, this is it.


EDIT - just to add: where is the solidarity of the open-door advocates with Rob Lawrie this morning?


He's facing up to 5 years and a €30k fine for the crime of showing some humanity to a child last November.


What's the matter? Too proximate in time with the Köln, Malmö <etc.> Taharrushers scandal to defend/support him?

Edited by L00b
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But we dont just grant refugee status to anyone. The UK takes relatively low numbers of refugees compared to our European neighbours.


Relative to some we take way more, relative so others, we take about 50% less. Your comparison is meaningless.


Historically the UK has taken in more than the majority of other EU nations.


The UK has a higher Migrant per thousand of the population than Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.


---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 10:37 ----------


Who do you think the police will arrest? The poor innocent rapist immigrants, or the wicked racist locals, trying to defend their people and their city?


Going by the Rotherham scandal, I suspect just like our Eu neighbours, we will try to cover it up.

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Because its a big world out there and requires the co operation of other nations to deal with international issues.


The madness causing people to flee violence and poverty in the Muslim world is not an international issue. It is a national issue for those countries because it is they that are blighted by a backward culture that has not progressed due to the constrains of Islam. We can't solve that issue for them and we certainly don't solve it by bringing people from those countries here... we just bring the issue here.


The reality is that most people have had their fill when it comes to immigration and with every religious/cultural induced atrocity the number increases and the anger rises. The direction of travel, in terms of tolerance towards migrants (especially Muslims), is absolutely clear. We are on a path that ultimately ends with a political backlash against the politic that brought us mass immigration and a violent backlash against immigrants. We need to get off the path and let things calm down and that means we need to stop mass immigration... especially from the troubled Islamic regions of the world. Whether that is fair or unfair, is really a moot point... it is better than what we'll get if we don't.

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