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How do you deal with your anxiety?

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After going through a bit of a rough patch with my career and family, I've suddenly started feeling very anxious all the time. It's impacting my work and also how social I am. I've been to the doctors and they've prescribed medicine but it only does so much.


I was wondering if anyone on here suffers from anxiety and how you combat it in day to day life. I want to enjoy spending time with my partner and going for drinks with the girls again.


Yes, I suffer from anxiety. Some suggest meditation which didn't help me but another person suggested getting out each day even if its only to the local shop to chat and listen to the local gossip. This is the best pick up for me.

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Be care of some anti anxiety medication - Diazepam and Lorazepam, whilst very effective in the short term in removing that horrible feeling of anxiety, are very addictive.

Consequently many people with anxiety are put on anti depressants, and whilst they are not addictive like minor tranquilizers, do present their own problems. While anxiety and depression sometimes go together, I can therefore see the point of prescribing anti depressants, though they are separate conditions....Might be why there are so many people taking them nowadays.

I'm not a huge fan of CBT, however it is supposed to be very good for anxiety. Might be worth a shot.

Edited by Mister M
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Exercise really helps with stress in the short term, it's what our bodies are designed to do when we get stressed, fight or flight. Even if it's just a decent walk whilst listening to a podcast or an audiobook, it helps.


Over the medium term, when I feel anxious and stressed I try to declutter my life of the all the needless worries. Such as making sure all the bills are payed, you're on top of your work life and the house is as clean and tidy as possible with as many odd jobs done.


Long term, you have to develop coping mechanisms to deal with anxieties and stress. For most it's impossible to live a carefree life, so you have to accept that anxiety is a part of life.


It's not the stress and anxiety that is the problem, it's the failing to deal with stress and anxiety that becomes the issue. With good coping mechanisms and strategies in place they can be overcome, and you can regain control of your life.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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When I had what I call my funnys a few years ago,I found the best thing was to just go walking it seemed to help me no end boozing is the worst thing you can do when you are in that state it just makes you feel even worse .

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I was wondering if anyone on here suffers from anxiety and how you combat it in day to day life. I want to enjoy spending time with my partner and going for drinks with the girls again.


Hi Bethany :)


Aerobic EXERCISE is single


Most effective antidote :nod:


Plus meditation, hypnotherapy, having fun, sex (in loving relationship)


Getting enough sleep, relaxation, hot baths, socialising...


All help :nod:


Good luck chicken. It WILL pass :thumbsup:

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