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Cost of t.v in hospital

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Don't forget, we are customers now, not patients. So we are charged accordingly. Quite wrong, but there you are.




The hospitals do not make a penny from the TV system installed, it's run by a completely separate company and the hospital did not get any say on the matter.

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12 Hours will last just that, 12 hours. You can't have an hour here and an hour there.


Whether you watch it or not, your 12 hours will be up 12 hours after it is switched on.


oh,i thought if I bought 12hrs,i could watch hour by hour,might have to reconcider then.thanks for the reply

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Hence my post, the cards are a scam as the timer starts immediately you verify the card. So when your relative is asleep or having treatment the clock ticks.

The original company went bust and was taken over after all the debt was written off


the last time the wife was in she took her tablet but they said she could not use the charger unless it was pat tested a way round this is to buy some of those extra plug in power packs now available for a few quid

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the last time the wife was in she took her tablet but they said she could not use the charger unless it was pat tested a way round this is to buy some of those extra plug in power packs now available for a few quid


A better way round this is to just plug it in and ignore the PAT requirement.

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A better way round this is to just plug it in and ignore the PAT requirement.


Why so ? I am surprised you advocate such dangerous advice

I have witnessed first hand what can happen on a hospital ward when a patient uses faulty electrical equipment they have brought in from home.

It could have been so much worse but only involved a burnt mattress and singed sheets thanks to the quick action of nursing staff.

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