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Camerons So Called Deal With The EU.

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The MEP candidate of his choice, I expect, like I and all others who bothered to exercise their democratic right to elect their local representative at the European Parliament.


Which MEP did you vote for?


The local gravy train-riding EU expenses-maxxing-and-fiddling workshy UKIP nominee...


...or were you a bit more bothered about your constituency, and the UK as a Member State, being pro-actively represented and heard at the European Parliament?


Yep I Voted UKIP, doubt they are any more or less corrupt any gravy train riding than any other group of MEP's, didn't Neil Kinnock put most of his family on the payroll when he got his snout in the trough in Brussels after being trounced by Thatch, how many years is it since the auditors were confident to sign off the EU accounts, 15 years is it? Doubt any company in the UK would be allowed to carry on like that, the directors would be in prison.

And yes I will be voting to leave, sorry, doubt anyone will ever convince me the EU is anything other than corrupt, undemocratic and self-serving.

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Yep I Voted UKIP,
There's a surprise.

And yes I will be voting to leave, sorry, doubt anyone will ever convince me the EU is anything other than corrupt, undemocratic and self-serving.
Fill your boots, and don't feel the need to apologise for it either (why should you, if that's what you believe?)


Just don't expect to be taken seriously for debating purposes.

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Any worthwhile change in our relationship with the EU would require treaty changes. Such changes would have to be agreed and then ratified by all members of the EU.

There's absolutely zero chance of that happening before the referendum, so we can't depend on anything that comes out of this negotiation.


I shall decide how to vote based on a combination of where the EU is now and where I judge that it's going.

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There's a surprise.

Fill your boots, and don't feel the need to apologise for it either (why should you, if that's what you believe?)


Just don't expect to be taken seriously for debating purposes.


Why not? Are you saying what he said isn't true? Many know it is.Some kid themselves for reasons probably not even known to them.

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Why not? Are you saying what he said isn't true? Many know it is.Some kid themselves for reasons probably not even known to them.


I think he means if you want to persuade other people then its more effective if you can explain yourself by providing rational thinking as well as some ebidence to back up your claims.

Prejudice alone is not enough.


It rings a bit hollow claiming about corruption and gravy trains when a number of ukip members have been caught fiddling their expenses and committing fraud. Atkinson and Mote come to mind.

Edited by 999tigger
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There's a surprise.

Fill your boots, and don't feel the need to apologise for it either (why should you, if that's what you believe?)


Just don't expect to be taken seriously for debating purposes.



Don't worry I'm rubbish at arguing anyway as my wife will attest. Personally I doubt Britain will be going anywhere anyway regardless of what I think, I agree it would be a leap in the dark, one I would be prepared for the country to risk but I fancy many others will not.


Whatever the result I would prefer it to be gained from free, fair, honest debate with all views being argued and considered, democracy in other words, will we get that? I am not going to hold my breath.

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Can we have some objective info and data about that claim? My money about 'excessive net migration' is on EU migrants plus family/dependents reuniting once a non-EU migrants has got in. It's not easy at all for a non-EU migrant to get a full visa, hasn't been for years.


Not a claim, it's the truth. Some interesting data here and you can create your own graphs:



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Without consulting Google, or any other search engine, any one out there know what concessions Cameron is demanding from the EU that would make us vote yes, to stay in the failed Union


It's a done deal Angel


Cameron's in bed with the Chinese


GB is hella outer there :nod:


(Like it or not, and I don't :shakes:)

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