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£150 ticket for Queen's birthday celebrations

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Do you think it should be a free lottery?


That way, everyone would apply and most likely some ********s would go. At least £150 will surely lessen this possibility and raise some money for charity :)


Why shouldn't it be free?


We all pay loads for the royal family. The least that they can do is to chuck a couple of ham sandwiches out for nothing.

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Why shouldn't it be free?


I've already answered that. I said it filters out people who would apply, but don't really want to go.


We all pay loads for the royal family. The least that they can do is to chuck a couple of ham sandwiches out for nothing.


As an individual you pay them pennies. However, if you could choose to opt out of your taxpayer's money going to them would you choose yes?

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muslim, muslim, muslim, what about us vegans!! :hihi:


I think all of this thread has focussed too much on poppet's opening line as 'it's only a picnic'.


I'm sure there will be croquet competitions and at least one B-list singer there too performing. Maybe even fireworks :)

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The 9000 people who are invited will not be paying for their ticket- it's only the 1000 remaining tickets which will have a charge attached.


No, I think you've got this wrong. Those invited from charities also have to pay the £150 each themselves.


"Questions were being asked about why organisations supported by the monarch should be asked to meet the cost of attending an official Royal celebration of their role out of their own funds."


"Help Musicians UK said it had paid for its ten tickets 'from a budget set aside for that type of event,' and Lea Bennett, secretary of Islands Sailing club, said 14 members had tickets. "The club is not footing the bill. Individual members are paying she said."

From Daily Mail 15.01.16

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