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Police Community Support Officers

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Why do councils pay towards Police Community Support Officers?


With more cuts coming, councils are now starting to withdraw funding, but PCSOs should be funded by the police, their role is entirely around crime.


I have recently reported a car, which has been parked up for weeks, at a bus stop. Checking online and the car has no MOT, and no tax. So its not a council matter, but a matter for the police or vehicle licensing.`


Because they're great for making them money.


Outside Buchanan Bus Station they watch for people dropping cig ends. I've seen them catch people every other minute, then dish out an £80 fine.

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Because they're great for making them money.


Outside Buchanan Bus Station they watch for people dropping cig ends. I've seen then catch people every other minute, then dish out an £80 fine.


Thats a double win then, a cleaner bus station and a council with more money. Like you say, they must target that area, as I have never seen them giving out tickets.

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Thats a double win then, a cleaner bus station and a council with more money. Like you say, they must target that area, as I have never seen them giving out tickets.


Ten minutes work generated £800 the last time i sat there waiting for my coach.


The look on peoples faces when they're nabbed is priceless. They deserve to be fined in my opinion.


They give out a ticket where you can pay there and then, or you have 2 weeks to pay online, or at the Council. If you don't pay within 2 weeks, then it's a summons and possible conviction.

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PCSOs despite the name are not police officers.

They have no police warrant. So they don't have powers of arrest for example.

Not much in terms of investigative powers.

Key is in 'Community Support' part of name.

They do council work. Make sure that dog turds aren't left on pavement and bins are rolled back off street after collection.

They can issue FPN on some things related to 'Community Support' role.

Only reason they are not council employees is because Police Community Support Officers sounds more dignified then Municipal Dog Turd Inspector.

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Does anyone think they are good value for money ?


Yes actually. PCSOs help to stop long term low level crime like anti social behaviour. It does work, plenty of links out there showing that it does in all sorts of situations. They earn less than the Police because they have less powers to act and it's the fact people cannot be arrested (other than a public arrest) by them that helps convince people to trust them and to open up more to them. The problem is that it's all long term and as such any money spent may only see a return over many years. It's far easier to point to make correlation between number of Police Officers and number of arrests for example as those figures are far harder to dispute. However, if you have a good neighbourhood policing team then the number of arrests will drop as people there genuinely commit less crime. So a catch-22 for the bean counters.


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 15:34 ----------


PCSOs despite the name are not police officers.

They have no police warrant. So they don't have powers of arrest for example.

Not much in terms of investigative powers.

Key is in 'Community Support' part of name.

They do council work. Make sure that dog turds aren't left on pavement and bins are rolled back off street after collection.

They can issue FPN on some things related to 'Community Support' role.

Only reason they are not council employees is because Police Community Support Officers sounds more dignified then Municipal Dog Turd Inspector.


Right, so you have no idea what they do then. Thanks for the contribution.

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I know exactly what they do. They don't do police work. They have support role as the name implies.

They are civis dressed up so they are more respected. They are called PCSO so they are more respected.

Their role is really important. Without PCSO warranted officers would be swamped with unimportant tasks. They are first point of contact for many.

And they are good value for money.

Still it is not a glorious job.

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