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The Clintons Misdemeanors

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Doh. Some families, specialise in being plumbers, electricians,and teachers. Others, like the Wedgewood Benns, specialise in being politicians. When a welder gets a job in the same shipyard as their dad, do you cry nespotism same way?


Yes I do. It happens where I work, though I'm not prepared to say where it is.

Nepotism is still wrong wherever it happens.

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Doh. Some families, specialise in being plumbers, electricians,and teachers. Others, like the Wedgewood Benns, specialise in being politicians. When a welder gets a job in the same shipyard as their dad, do you cry nespotism same way?


Lets hope not,people may laugh at him for trying to use words he cannot pronounce :hihi:


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Why not actually use one of these videos and go through and explain how it supports the claims and what its sources and evidence is? A "youtube video" is an anecdote at best and trash of the J Kyle milieau at worst...

This is what I would suggest also.


Anyone can make sweeping claims in a YouTube video, but actual research takes time.


As a good example, in The Money Masters, the claim is made that Ian Fleming "was head of the British Counter-Intelligence Service, MI5". This can be easily disproved [LINK].


This statement was made as part of the following (highly speculative) claim:


Finally by 1971 all the pure gold had been secretly removed from Ford Knox, drained back to London.

Once the gold was gone from Ford Knox president Nixon closed the gold window by repealing Roosevelt's gold reserve act from 1934, finally making it legal once again for Americans to buy gold.

Naturally gold prices immediately began to soar.

Nine years later, gold sold for $880 per ounce, 25 times what the gold in Ford Knox was sold for.

One would think that eventually someone in the government would get wind of what was happening and blow the whistle.

The largest fortune of the history of the world stolen.

Shades of the old James Bond film Goldfinger.

Well, as a matter of fact, Ian Fleming, the author of James Bond series, was head of the British Counter-Intelligence Service, MI5.

Some believe in the intelligence community that he wrote much of his fiction as a warning as many authors of fiction do.

Yet the removal of all the good delivery gold from Ford Knox, can be viewed as a deliberate raid on the U.S. treasury, and such an operation might well had been years in the making, namely 40 years, certainly enough time for Fleming to get wind of it and try to prevent it.



I wouldn't like to claim that the Clintons are spotless as far as past conduct is concerned, but let's have some citations eh? To sources that aren't ZeroHedge, PrisonPlanet or other conspiracy theory sites.

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All that matters is can the person elected do the job, will he/she be a good president for the country and the majority of the people? If that is so then to hell with their private life, how they run the country is what matters.


I agree. The "sleaze" of the John Major years seems like much a do about nothing now. Who cares about who David Mellor was shagging?!

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So the man that was impeached has a very strong possibility of living in the White house once again? Unbelievable :hihi:.


Problem is although he initially was impeached he was later acquitted and the charges dropped. That means he has every right to live in the White House if his missus wins.

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I'm going to close this because although there is a right to free speech in the US, where these videos were apparently put together, there is no such right in the UK and that means that the site owner could be put in a position of having to defend statements made in this thread without any of the necessary ammunition.

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