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Migrant crisis: Tax motorists to cover costs of refugees.

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Do you think Cameron would pay for this?
If it was brought in as a Regulation (decree, effectively), what choice would he have? None :rolleyes:

He'd immediately point at Schengen and laugh it off.
Is that "laughing it off" like the €1.7bn fine which he was never going to pay (...but did pay on the quiet last September)? See above ;)

Good news, it isn't about the German immigration policy, that is why this initiative has been shot down by practically everybody.
No? So where are these migrants who need paying for?
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If it was brought in as a Regulation (decree, effectively), what choice would he have? None :rolleyes:

Is that "laughing it off" like the €1.7bn fine which he was never going to pay (..but did pay on the quiet last September)? See above ;)

No? So where are these migrants who need paying for?


Sweden given half a chance.

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Sweden given half a chance.
Sweden's full and taking no more, according to its government.


So are several German länder, according to their respective governments.


Interesting times ahead. Shame for the refugees and the locals all the same.

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Whether or not they're taking anymore is of little consequence I'd imagine, the migrants are still going to come and in ever increasing numbers.


They need to sort out a much more effective, and faster screening process.


It's probably time for a simple yes/no list to be used as a first line of screening, anyone who fails gets shoved straight on a plane, no questions.

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He can **** off. Germany in part has caused this crisis by announcing these refugees are welcome there. Now we have information to show that the majority of these Syrian refugees are in fact not Syrian after all, but from a wide range of countries.


Merkel will be ousted come the next election.


Edit: Wow the word for a male chicken is banned.

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Schengen died de facto in late 2015 <...>


It's gone, now just waiting for someone with the political balls to pronounce it.

Actually, scrap that: Schaeuble and Juncker recently did, more or less. Decent article from Reuters.


There's the writing on the wall, for those who missed it:

Of the 160,000 asylum seekers EU leaders agreed in September to distribute among member states, fewer than 300 have been moved.

For the reading bleeding heart liberals, my name of the week is Arminas Pileckas. Google News it.


/Monday rant

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He can **** off. Germany in part has caused this crisis by announcing these refugees are welcome there. Now we have information to show that the majority of these Syrian refugees are in fact not Syrian after all, but from a wide range of countries.


Merkel will be ousted come the next election.


Edit: Wow the word for a male chicken is banned.



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