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Migrant crisis: Tax motorists to cover costs of refugees.

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If it was brought in as a Regulation (decree, effectively), what choice would he have? None :rolleyes:

The guy immediately said that if countries didn't want to pay than the broadest shoulders would take the brunt.


Is that "laughing it off" like the €1.7bn fine which he was never going to pay (...but did pay on the quiet last September)? See above ;)

He should have known that fee was due, if I am not mistaken we actually agreed on that when the news broke.

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The guy immediately said that if countries didn't want to pay than the broadest shoulders would take the brunt.
And whose are these in budgetary terms right now, if not Germany's and the UK's?


Could it be that the EU's middle classes are going to be made to pay for the political breakage yet again, by some unimaginable twist of cosmically-rare, sheer blind bad luck? ;)

He should have known that fee was due, if I am not mistaken we actually agreed on that when the news broke.
Indeed, and that was not a disagreement/'pop' at you, Tim, but just a reminder that there is the usual gulf between rethoric (laughing it off) and reality (paying up). Edited by L00b
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And whose are these in budgetary terms right now, if not Germany's and the UK's?


Could it be that the EU's middle classes are going to be made to pay for the political breakage yet again, by some unimaginable twist of cosmically-rare, sheer blind bad luck? ;)

Indeed, and that was not a disagreement/'pop' at you, Tim, but just a reminder that there is the usual gulf between rethoric (laughing it off) and reality (paying up).


Fair enough :)

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The problem with this suggestion is that its a wet dream for the Commision who are desperate to get their 'own' revenue streams direct from taxpayers to make them more independant of national governments. Even if its initially parked i expect huge lobbying for this from Brussels, who will argue they need the funds to deal with the 'extraordinary crisis', probably pitching it at a relatively low level. If they did manage to get it then you can guarentee it will never be removed and will only ever get bigger and/or expand to other goods and services.

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