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Ballance of power, workers vs employers

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The point is that when unemployment falls, employers are forced to pay more to recruit and to retain staff. It's not something they choose to do.

If wages are staying low or not rising fast, it's because employers find it easy to recruit and/or retain people. Which suggests that the job market isn't as good as the unemployment figures would suggest.

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  • 9 months later...

Prison officers have been ordered to end a 24-hour protest and return to work after a High Court injunction was granted against illegal action.

The number of officers in public sector prisons has been cut by 41% in less than four years, according to new figures obtained by penal reformers.

There were only 14,170 officer grade staff working in public sector prisons in June 2014, compared to over 24,000 at the end of August 2010.

In court, the union's lawyer cited a series of incidents he said had occurred in the last two weeks, including 30 assaults by inmates on officers, 14 hostage situations and 13 absconds, attempted escapes or escapes.



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Prison officers have been ordered to end a 24-hour protest and return to work after a High Court injunction was granted against illegal action.

The number of officers in public sector prisons has been cut by 41% in less than four years, according to new figures obtained by penal reformers.

There were only 14,170 officer grade staff working in public sector prisons in June 2014, compared to over 24,000 at the end of August 2010.

In court, the union's lawyer cited a series of incidents he said had occurred in the last two weeks, including 30 assaults by inmates on officers, 14 hostage situations and 13 absconds, attempted escapes or escapes.




how many private prisons are there now?, are their staff a in the stats?

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Corbyn's favourite country Venezuela imposes a law that says certain posts in public office can not be any more than a set multiplication of the minimum wage. The highest earners in the country can not earn more than 12 times the minimum wage, the pensioners earning equal to the minimum wage.




'In March 2009 Chavez criticised the high salaries and other benefits of high officials, stating, “We have to get rid of these mega-salaries, mega-bonuses”. At that time, he signed a presidential decree setting wage limits for higher level public administration workers, prohibiting bonuses and eliminating superfluous and luxurious spending such as international travel, parties, and car purchase.'


Sound familiar?


And this week..




'The Venezuelan government has announced a 60-day economic emergency to deal with the country's worsening crisis.


Annual inflation up to September 2014 is said by the Venezuelan Central Bank to have reached 141%.'


It's not a model that is showing itself to have much protection from changes in the global economy.


you do realise that the good old usa have a hand in destroying that country

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