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At wits end with sheffield council

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Hi guys,


Am at wits end with sheffield council and looking for advice and support.

Im a young small trader in first year of trading and put in a claim for housing and council tax subsidy, as after costs dont earn very much as i am trying to reinvest and grow my small business.


its only a small amount of subsidy but it will help me loads.


After 4 months I am still trying to get this sorted. I've even done my accounts early, and given to council in december, still no calculation.


today I got a council tax reminder to pay full amount or I get penalised . Yet, ive phone twice and it just says 'we are not available and our queue is full please try again later'! :(


Even on the original bill which was wrong, they havent even applied the 25% single person discount. I just need to speak to a real person!


i literally cannot sort this out and ive tried so hard in last 4 months to give council everything they need. Its a farce but im tearing my hair out.


Do MP's deal with this sort of thing? I dont know where to turn.


Thanks, Harry :confused:

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I would recommend going down to Howden House with all the paperwork. It's annoying as it probably means you might lose a half day trading but at least you should get some answers then and there. I'd suggest getting there as early as you can, opens at 8.30am.


In fact I've just looked on their website and it now says they offer appointment service ONLY. This is new, I went in only a few months ago to sort something out and didn't need to pre-book...It's the same phone number you've had no luck with as well...

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I would recommend going down to Howden House with all the paperwork. It's annoying as it probably means you might lose a half day trading but at least you should get some answers then and there. I'd suggest getting there as early as you can, opens at 8.30am.


In fact I've just looked on their website and it now says they offer appointment service ONLY. This is new, I went in only a few months ago to sort something out and didn't need to pre-book...It's the same phone number you've had no luck with as well...


Hi Kate, to fill you in ive been down to howden 4 times since september.


I've got all my accounts, all receipts filed and ready should they need to verify...all I can think of is they just have a big backlog of claims and no resources.


what is most annoying is housing dont communicate with council tax and vice-versa.

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Go to Howden house and insist on talking to someone. They try to palm you off to a disgusting metal telephone on the wall. But tell them you refuse to use it and you want to speak to someone in person.


cheers pal. They seem friendly at times. But instead of asking in one letter for all docs, it comes in bits and pieces.


They asked me to fill in a self assessment form. Then asked for receipts for two specific categories! when I explained I didnt have complete accounts and filed receipts for this exactly, they gave me another month. I've basically had to use two systems fo HMRC and council.....really good use of business time.


It meant tax return I'd planned to do in January had to be brought forward a week before christmas.


As you can tell im rather frustrated!

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There is a complaints system https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/dms/scc/management/corporate-communications/documents/economics-finance/benefits/claim-forms/Complaints-Factsheet/Complaints%20Factsheet.pdf


If you get nowhere with Howden House, do have a word with one of your local councillors.


You can find them here: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council/roles-who/councillors.html

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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