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Meadowhead car broken down rant


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Why would a broken down car be left at a major roundabout junction for over 2 hours without a council or police recovery vehicle in sight if only to move it 50 yards to alleviate the problem - are the traffic cameras not enough?? It was there at 5pm and still there @ 7pm to my knowledge!! :loopy:

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Obviously after 2 hours at rush hour the driver couldn't give a toss, the highways agency or anybody with the where with all .. why spends thousands on cameras to keep traffic flowing is my point ... get someone to shift it and bill the driver if no attempt has been made to remove?? just saying!

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I don't know what kind of fantasy world you live in to imagine that the council has recovery vehicles.


As for the police, I have the impression that they just call in a local recovery firm when a vehicle is recovered stolen. It would not be cost effective for the taxpayer funded police force to have a fleet of recovery vehicles.

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What business is it of the police to be recovering vehicles after a breakdown or accident. Even after a smash they will only move them out of the way where they may be causing a hazard. After that's its up to the driver or at the very least their relatives to arrange recovery.


I certainly don't want my tax monies being spent on council or police resources to move people's broken down cars. Its why people have breakdown services and car insurance


Traffic cameras has sod all to do with it.


Cars break down. Occasionally they break down in an inconvenient location. Unless its causing some kinds of catastrophic tailback bringing the city to a standstill (which it wasn't) the OP should wind their neck in.


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 20:47 ----------


So shoot the driver who left it there, my tea was cold!!:mad:


Ah diddums. Put it in the microwave then.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Stop spending silly money on intrusive cameras if it's going to be left there to rot until some moron decides to phone his/her mum or husband/wife to give em a push!! They shouldn't buy a FRENCH car in the 1st place.. that was their 1st cardinal sin!!


Anyway my 4x4 doesn't like sitting in rush hour traffic, and my tea nearly finished up in the dog!!

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the driver or the tea?


That is funny!!


:rant:lol I've got enough bites - my Q is how can it be left for 2 hours - at that time without anybody taking responsibility - bet it's still there now!!


---------- Post added 18-01-2016 at 21:01 ----------


Rule 2 of broken down cars: NEVER, ever under ANY circumstances offer to assist and maybe help push the car to somewhere less dangerous


It was abandoned :huh:

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