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Meadowhead car broken down rant


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I don't know what kind of fantasy world you live in to imagine that the council has recovery vehicles.


As for the police, I have the impression that they just call in a local recovery firm when a vehicle is recovered stolen. It would not be cost effective for the taxpayer funded police force to have a fleet of recovery vehicles.


So either the police or the council could have called in a local recovery firm then?

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A few points ;


The car was still there at 2107 hours a garage van was present



The police and council do not have any tow wagons


The police do have powers to call in a contractor to remove a vehicle that is blocking the highway

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perhaps the driver realised it would be quicker if he got out and walked! what with all the 4WD's clogging up the roads. it's normally the job of broken down busses to clog up the roads but they have solved that problem by not turning up at all.


That actually made me laugh out loud !

Maybe it was a broken down vehicle that clogged the roads up this evening.

I got in my car at NGH at 16.40hrs, it took me 15 minutes of queuing to get out of the hospital grounds and another HOUR to get home to S8 !

If I hadn't ditched dry January by the 4th I would have done so today !

Edited by Daven
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