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Water meter estimated bills? (Follow on from my other thread.)

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I'm somewhat puzzled about my newly installed water meter. You may recall, my previous thread asserting that effectively my combi-boiler wastes water. Well that thread pretty much concluded for me, to not worry about it too much.


However, since then I'v received a letter from YW who intend to estimate a monthly payment plan, and (I quote) "attempt to read the meter twice yearly".


Why can't they ask me for a reading? What's the matter with reading it themselves? Apparently it's fitted with a gizmo which transmits the reading, so they only have to pass by the property from the outside to obtain a reading. I don't even have to be at home!


So now they're going to estimate it, with absolutely no history whatsoever, apart from the declared number of occupants and the number of bedrooms.


Ok, eventually it will straighten itself out, but it might take a while. Meanwhile I'm perhaps paying more than I should or maybe less than I should. Either way it seems a silly setup.


I was under the impression that with a water meter, you only pay for what you actually use!

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i have been paying DD for water, gas and electricity for years. Works well for me and yes i have over paid and under paid before. if you over pay too much they normally send a your money back, if you have over paid a little they alter the DD to use the extra money then have on your account. eventually it does settle down and becomes standard, but as you say it can take some time

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I wouldn't worry about it too much Pete, on your previous thread I said we were saving nearly £200 a year. My missus now tells me we're saving more than that, when we went on the meter we were paying £560 per year as our house is

Band C. As there's only two of us living here now they put us on a DD of £25 a month, £300 a year. The first year we were a bit careful and got about £70 returned after one year.

Now we just carry on as before, the bills gone up a bit but I presume the charges we were paying before would have too, I don't know what band C is now.

Mind you as I hate waste anyway, be it food, money or water I've always had a water barrel in the garden off a flat roof to water the tomatoes and soft fruit in pots.

If you put water on the garden it might also be an idea to keep a 2 litre milk container in the kitchen in summer to use the water from your combi when you're waiting for the hot to come through.

As you know you pay for what you use and last year we had five weeks away from home which we would have paid more than £50 for without a meter.

Just a final thought, someone said on your previous thread you can go back to the old system within two years, this might be true but I believe if you sell your house the next owners are committed to the meter.

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I don't understand the estimated reading. When I had mine put in last year I was told that they wouldn't call to read it as all they have to do is drive past as the meters readings are transmitted to the vehicle. I think the person saying about going back to not using a meter within 2 years is incorrect, I believe I was told it is 12 months, after that you cannot go back to not having a meter. Having a meter has cut my bill by half over the first 6 months.

Edited by iansheff
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I don't understand the estimated reading. When I had mine put in last year I was told that they wouldn't call to read it as all they have to do is drive past as the meters readings are transmitted to the vehicle. I think the person saying about going back to not using a meter within 2 years is incorrect, I believe I was told it is 12 months, after that you cannot go back to not having a meter. Having a meter has cut my bill by half over the first 6 months.


Yes legally you have one year to see if the meter is suitable for 'you'. But Yorkshire Water give you 2 years.


Yes that's exactly what I was told.....So it doesn't need to be estimated...Even if they asked me for a reading after only one month, at least they would get a ball park usage from that, rather then leaving it six months, and 'attempting' to read it, as the letter said.

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I don't understand the estimated reading. When I had mine put in last year I was told that they wouldn't call to read it as all they have to do is drive past as the meters readings are transmitted to the vehicle. I think the person saying about going back to not using a meter within 2 years is incorrect, I believe I was told it is 12 months, after that you cannot go back to not having a meter. Having a meter has cut my bill by half over the first 6 months.

You're probably right about the 12 months. The estimated reading is for what you will use in the next year.

Just a word about Yorkshire Water, I don't know if I was lucky but when I rang them about our DD the woman I spoke to was brilliant, I got through straight away and she was friendly and helpful, unlike some other companies I've spoken to on the phone.

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I was under the impression that with a water meter, you only pay for what you actually use!

Correct.....plus the standing charge for the supply.

If you are paying a monthly charge how do you expect them to know how much you will use without any history?

Yes, they guestimate and charge accordingly.

The six monthly reading is standard across the industry.

It WILL sort itself out eventually.

My bill with YW with no meter was £50 monthly for eight months of the year...totalling £400.

Now I have meter I pay £17 every month of the year...totalling £204.

The six monthly reading can result in overpayment, or under, but always within a few pounds either way.

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I have requested a meter that's being fitted on friday. I was on the old rateable value way of paying & I paid for the full year's worth of water (£260ish). Do they credit your account with any overpayment? I have been paying by direct debit, 10 monthly instalments, which are now fully paid up. I'm just wondering if I'm going to end up paying for Feb & March twice once the meter is installed?

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