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Government Priorities

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It's not so much for the people coming here, there are many many 2nd and 3rd generation women who speak very little or no English whatsoever. In lots cases spending most of their lives cooped up and hidden away from the world outside, in these cases however they would never get the opportunity to benefit from these free courses as their men folk are very happy that things stay this way

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It's not so much for the people coming here, there are many many 2nd and 3rd generation women who speak very little or no English whatsoever. In lots cases spending most of their lives cooped up and hidden away from the world outside, in these cases however they would never get the opportunity to benefit from these free courses as their men folk are very happy that things stay this way

I don't know why Cameron targets Muslim women on this, surely it should be a requirement for anyone who wants to integrate here to speak English.

But then again nothing will come of it anyhow, as always when a politician makes a statement the operative word is 'could.'

He was the bloke who forgot he was a fervent Aston Villa fan in a press conference and thought he supported West Ham, so the latest load of rubbish is no surprise.

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True, the word 'Muslim' didn't need to be used. Speaking English to a decent level is a must for anyone wanting to call the UK their home no matter where you come from, on the whole however this is a Muslim problem.


I employed a young Polish girl around 3 years ago and at that time she could just about get by, now however she speaks great English and even has a slight Yorkshire accent :hihi:


The difference however is that she actually did want to learn our language and there were no male family members or people in her church who were against her learning! She took no lessons, she simply learnt from those around her and in fact learnt mostly from watching the tv, soaps mostly :gag:


Integration only works when you truly do want to integrate.

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True, the word 'Muslim' didn't need to be used. Speaking English to a decent level is a must for anyone wanting to call the UK their home no matter where you come from, on the whole however this is a Muslim problem.


I employed a young Polish girl around 3 years ago and at that time she could just about get by, now however she speaks great English and even has a slight Yorkshire accent :hihi:


The difference however is that she actually did want to learn our language and there were no male family members or people in her church who were against her learning! She took no lessons, she simply learnt from those around her and in fact learnt mostly from watching the tv, soaps mostly :gag:


Integration only works when you truly do want to integrate.

I think the two go together, if you're mixing with English speaking people the language will come. If you're only meeting people of your own language the requirement is not there.

Slightly off the subject, I used to know a German bloke who had a theory that a lot of German youngsters spoke English well because they listened to a lot of British and American popular music.

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Saw on Calendar News last night (18th Jan 2016 ) that the government have set aside

20 million pounds for language courses for migrants.


If they are coming here to the UK then they should learn to speak our language at their own cost - not at our expense, apparently the idea behind this is so they can integrate into our society and give something back.


If they are not prepared to learn our language at their own expense then they should be sent back home.


We are constantly getting cutbacks and frontline services are being reduced, what about all those poor people who have suffered flood damage.....this 20 million should be used to help us - not people who have no intention of integrating into the British way of life.


It could also be used to maintain the state of our crumbling roads and paths.


The Government have there priorities totally wrong !


The amount of money that the government are allocating to the initiative suggests that it's a really low priority for them.

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My brother moved to Finland two years ago and.is given no choice but to learn the language I believe The FInnish Government fund the courses but if he doesn't attend the classes then he needs a serious excuse and if he fails one of the regular exams for a second time then he's out.Allied to this he has to attend finnish society and culture classes.muslim or non muslim this should be the norm.

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20 million is nothing.


However, this is a great policy. 22% of Muslim women in this country are unable to speak English, this is far too high and stops hem from contributing economically.


20 million is nothing ?

Bet you wish you had it in your bank account !


This is a great policy ?

Ask anyone who works in frontline services if they would rather have the money spent on educating migrants or for them to keep their jobs.

Ask the poor buggers whose homes have been flooded and they have lost everything whether the money should be spent on teaching migrants English, or spent on flood defences.

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