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Petition to bring the RSPCA under control

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There is a petition on the government website asking to bring the RSPCA prosecutions under control. If you don't like what the RSPCA do then please go and sign it and tell everyone else about it




Remove the prosecution rights of the RSPCA


At the moment the RSPCA abuse their position to seize and prosecute innocent and vulnerable owners of animals, leading to extortionate costs. A number of these convictions are made on the evidence of lies by the RSPCA. It is wrong for the same organisation to investigate and prosecute.


To get a fair trial of the accused it would be better for the Crown Prosecution Services to take any prosecution forward

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If anything the RSPCA don't have enough teeth to intervene in clear cases of neglect and cruelty. Nobody is forced to keep animals, if you don't have the capacity (be it mental, financial or any other) to look after them then don't voluntarilly put yourself in a position where you are responsible for another being.

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There is a petition on the government website asking to bring the RSPCA prosecutions under control. If you don't like what the RSPCA do then please go and sign it and tell everyone else about it




Remove the prosecution rights of the RSPCA


At the moment the RSPCA abuse their position to seize and prosecute innocent and vulnerable owners of animals, leading to extortionate costs. A number of these convictions are made on the evidence of lies by the RSPCA. It is wrong for the same organisation to investigate and prosecute.


To get a fair trial of the accused it would be better for the Crown Prosecution Services to take any prosecution forward


Do you have any examples of this abuse?

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You don't get the choice of a judge and jury in an RSPCA case.


The main problem is that by the RSPCA cutting out the important filter of the police and the CPS they also cut out the important protections that this puts in place for the public. The CPS reject many cases and the main reason the RSPCA gave for not submitting through this service was that the CPS rejected some of their cases.


That means that people who end up being found innocent have to be dragged through the courts with all of the bad publicity and harassment that leads to.


Yes criminal cases are expensive. The police and CPS provide a free service. The RSPCA spends money that could be spent saving more animals or helping people who can't afford vet fees if they used the free service. The fact that they don't means that they are afraid of their cases being reviewed by the CPS and that all of the accusations about their prosecutions begin to look more likely to be true.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:45 ----------




For starters


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:47 ----------



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Do you have any examples of this abuse?


I once owned a cat. It was a bit territorial. Didnt let any other cats in the house.


There was a stray. It used to hang about and my cat would suffer this cat to come in and eat. But no way would it let the stray sleep in the house.


So I built an outdoor cat box. Dry. Warm. had bedding in etc and food and water.


According to the RSPCA that was abuse of the stray cat because it was mine and I wasnt housing it properly. So they stole my cat and then took me to court for abusing my cat.


I produced the stray cat in court and point out I had the cat in the photos and they had stolen my property (the other cat). The judge wasnt impressed and remarked he saw too many cases of the RSPCA being excessivly enthusiastic...


Make of his comments what you will.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:59 ----------


Why is it wrong for them to prosecute?


Because they are zealots and prosecute to their ideology, not to the public good - and they make sure that all the reporting is as prejudicial as possible with no chance for you to clear your name.


In my case above I had months of abuse afterwards from people reading about me in their publications despite the judge telling them what they could do with their case.

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You don't get the choice of a judge and jury in an RSPCA case.


The main problem is that by the RSPCA cutting out the important filter of the police and the CPS they also cut out the important protections that this puts in place for the public. The CPS reject many cases and the main reason the RSPCA gave for not submitting through this service was that the CPS rejected some of their cases.


That means that people who end up being found innocent have to be dragged through the courts with all of the bad publicity and harassment that leads to.


Yes criminal cases are expensive. The police and CPS provide a free service. The RSPCA spends money that could be spent saving more animals or helping people who can't afford vet fees if they used the free service. The fact that they don't means that they are afraid of their cases being reviewed by the CPS and that all of the accusations about their prosecutions begin to look more likely to be true.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:45 ----------




For starters


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:47 ----------




Did you know of both these case's personally?

Here is an earlier article about the cats...



"Many of the cats were found to have weeping eyes, infestations of fleas and some showed signs of ringworm."


"They were in an appalling state. Their basic care needs had not been met and had not been for some time."


"The cage they were in was "filthy", she said, adding that the kitten making the noise was taken away from the property that day and later died."


Just because there wasn't concrete evidence to convict of wrong doing,doesn't mean that wrong doing didn't happen.


You see all too often on these programs (one on telly right now) the RSPCA are completely powerless to prove wrong doing,when you know as a decent human being "something ain't right here".

The problem with these scumbags on T.V too,is that they actually feel like they are being victimised by the RSPCA.

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I once owned a cat. It was a bit territorial. Didnt let any other cats in the house.


There was a stray. It used to hang about and my cat would suffer this cat to come in and eat. But no way would it let the stray sleep in the house.


So I built an outdoor cat box. Dry. Warm. had bedding in etc and food and water.


According to the RSPCA that was abuse of the stray cat because it was mine and I wasnt housing it properly. So they stole my cat and then took me to court for abusing my cat.


I produced the stray cat in court and point out I had the cat in the photos and they had stolen my property (the other cat). The judge wasnt impressed and remarked he saw too many cases of the RSPCA being excessivly enthusiastic...


Make of his comments what you will.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 19:59 ----------


Because they are zealots and prosecute to their ideology, not to the public good - and they make sure that all the reporting is as prejudicial as possible with no chance for you to clear your name.


In my case above I had months of abuse afterwards from people reading about me in their publications despite the judge telling them what they could do with their case.




2 Reasons why i tell them to do one when they come begging for charity at my door.

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You need to differentiate between the prosecution case and claims and the facts SqueakyPete. That is why people get found not guilty - the prosecution couldn't provide proof of its allegations - and until the court accepts them in a guilty verdict they are just that, allegations. The fact that the RSPCA has no rights is even more reason why they should leave prosecutions to the professionals who actually have rights of entry and seizure.

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You don't get the choice of a judge and jury in an RSPCA case.


The main problem is that by the RSPCA cutting out the important filter of the police and the CPS they also cut out the important protections that this puts in place for the public. The CPS reject many cases and the main reason the RSPCA gave for not submitting through this service was that the CPS rejected some of their cases.


That means that people who end up being found innocent have to be dragged through the courts with all of the bad publicity and harassment that leads to.


Yes criminal cases are expensive. The police and CPS provide a free service. The RSPCA spends money that could be spent saving more animals or helping people who can't afford vet fees if they used the free service. The fact that they don't means that they are afraid of their cases being reviewed by the CPS and that all of the accusations about their prosecutions begin to look more likely to be true.



1. Whether they bring a case or not, then a judge , jury, registrar or magistrate will decide on whether an offence has taken place. They are independent.


2 Youve provided one case, am sure there are more, but how many prosecutions and warnings does the RSPCA carry out each year? Do you know?


3. Do you know what their conviction rate is?


4. The police and CPS are not free. they are already stretched to the limit and both hibe undergone large cuts. If they have abimal prosecutions on an already stretched service, thent hat will simplu mean many prosecutions in case of anumal cruelty will not be brought because they dont have the time. I'd prefer to know theres someone out there looking after the rights of animals.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 20:36 ----------


2 Reasons why i tell them to do one when they come begging for charity at my door.


TBF this forum is like the DM and any charity at all gets a rough time with the usual accusations. Its a SF trait.

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