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Petition to bring the RSPCA under control

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1. Whether they bring a case or not, then a judge , jury, registrar or magistrate will decide on whether an offence has taken place. They are independent.


2 Youve provided one case, am sure there are more, but how many prosecutions and warnings does the RSPCA carry out each year? Do you know?


3. Do you know what their conviction rate is?


4. The police and CPS are not free. they are already stretched to the limit and both hibe undergone large cuts. If they have abimal prosecutions on an already stretched service, thent hat will simplu mean many prosecutions in case of anumal cruelty will not be brought because they dont have the time. I'd prefer to know theres someone out there looking after the rights of animals.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 20:36 ----------



TBF this forum is like the DM and any charity at all gets a rough time with the usual accusations. Its a SF trait.


Agree, but to be fair charities brought a lot of the hatred on themselves via pure greed and underhand sales tactics.

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You need to differentiate between the prosecution case and claims and the facts SqueakyPete. That is why people get found not guilty - the prosecution couldn't provide proof of its allegations - and until the court accepts them in a guilty verdict they are just that, allegations. The fact that the RSPCA has no rights is even more reason why they should leave prosecutions to the professionals who actually have rights of entry and seizure.


I'm more than aware of the difference,but thanks anyway:rolleyes:.

You need to know the difference between what can and can't be proven in a court of law.

My last neighbour used to kick the crap out of his dog,we heard it on more than a few occasions through the walls (lovely eh?).

It was kept out in all weathers on a 2ft rope,so it had a 4 ft circle to eat,sleep,pee,and crap in.

We phoned the RSPCA and they couldn't do anything because there wasn't enough "proof".

It was obvious to anyone with working ears and eyeballs the dog was living a miserable life at the hands of scumbags,if only dogs could talk eh?

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There is a petition on the government website asking to bring the RSPCA prosecutions under control. If you don't like what the RSPCA do then please go and sign it and tell everyone else about it




Remove the prosecution rights of the RSPCA


At the moment the RSPCA abuse their position to seize and prosecute innocent and vulnerable owners of animals, leading to extortionate costs. A number of these convictions are made on the evidence of lies by the RSPCA. It is wrong for the same organisation to investigate and prosecute.


To get a fair trial of the accused it would be better for the Crown Prosecution Services to take any prosecution forward


About time. Ill sign it.

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Story's about the wonderful RSPCA here an interview for the unbelievers

How the send an owner his dog back skinned and beheaded in a bag , Most magistrates have no idea on how the rspca work or what they are capable of doing .The rspca use specialist barristers to get convictions ,most are overturned in crow court but mud sticks .Bearing in mind the average Joe blogs will not have a spar 10k to do this, if you committed an offence the police would charge you that day and you would be in court within a month and it would be over and dealt with , The rspca will make sure it takes between 15 months and three years to get you to court and hold your animals till you have been to court at a cost of up to £20 a day for a cat / dog That is if it survives the time in rspca care If you are unemployed your the lucky ones as you can get the duty solicitor who will have no idea of the animal welfare laws If you work and want a defence it can cost well over 20k but if found guilty you will stand the risk of all costs

which probably will be well over 100k The average costs 100k-300k and yes you will have to pay or sell your belongings to cover them for some strange reason they never seem to target any one who has the funding to defend them self properly they prefer low income ,unemployed ,little old ladies ect

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You are going to have to do soemthing better than an anti RSPCA facebook page and a youtube video.


All barristers are specialists.

How do you know most cases are overturned?


Where do you get your figures from about the cost being 100-300k? Did you just make it up?


So in 10 minutes youve made 6 posts ranting about the RSPCA. You appear to have some personal gripe Mr john.

Edited by 999tigger
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