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It seems that there's 3 types of United & Wendy fans:


1. Those who can swallow their pride and congratulate each other on the acheivements this season AND mean it.


2. Those who congratulate but tag on something like "your support is crap", "you've stayed up this year but you'll go down next season" and "you'll come straight back down anyway"


3. Those who just hate each other and are not ashamed to admit it


Personally I can't stand people who fall into catergory 2.


These are the people that haven't got the balls to be gracious and admit they don't hate the other club or haven't got the balls to admit they can't stand the sight, sound and smell of the other club.


I wish these people didn't post on here because they're boring.


Either be complementary or insulting for god sake.



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It seems that there's 3 types of United & Wendy fans:


1. Those who can swallow their pride and congratulate each other on the acheivements this season AND mean it.


2. Those who congratulate but tag on something like "your support is crap", "you've stayed up this year but you'll go down next season" and "you'll come straight back down anyway"


3. Those who just hate each other and are not ashamed to admit it


Personally I can't stand people who fall into catergory 2.


These are the people that haven't got the balls to be gracious and admit they don't hate the other club or haven't got the balls to admit they can't stand the sight, sound and smell of the other club.


I wish these people didn't post on here because they're boring.


Either be complementary or insulting for god sake.




Couldn't agree more mate. Category 2, eh? Scumbags.

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That sort of comment puts you into catergory 2 pal:loopy:


Errr, think you subconsciously legswerved the point there mate (note to self: 'Really must make better use of smileys'). Kinda knew you were talking about me...:rolleyes: & I think a cheeky :help:

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Errr, think you subconsciously legswerved the point there mate (note to self: 'Really must make better use of smileys'). Kinda knew you were talking about me...:rolleyes: & I think a cheeky :help:


Sorry mate.


Missed the sarcasm in yer response.


I get used to coversing with yer usual breed of Wendy fans and sarcasm & irony is usually well beyond em.


Your comments are duly noted and I will, in future, review my use of smileys before posting.


Dancing banana:banana:

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Sorry mate.


Missed the sarcasm in yer response.


I get used to coversing with yer usual breed of Wendy fans and sarcasm & irony is usually well beyond em.


Your comments are duly noted and I will, in future, review my use of smileys before posting.


Dancing banana:banana:


:) Sweet, man.


Nice use of the banana as well.


I've replied to yer C. League post - any prediction of score? I've just got back from Oz & the chap who I went with was an Arsenal fan...who has lived in Sheffield all his life & never seen them play AND had the cheek to diss my beloved Wed! Category 4, perhaps? :)

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I tune out those "fans" that feel the need to comment/criticise and who don't actual go to the games.


There's a few Blades at my local that constantly slag of United and Warnock but haven't actually seen them play since Bassett got the sack.


So yeah, a new catergory has been invented.


Catergory 4: Opinionated "fans" who have either never been to watch "their team" play or haven't been for decades cuz "their team" went a bit crap.

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I tune out those "fans" that feel the need to comment/criticise and who don't actual go to the games.


There's a few Blades at my local that constantly slag of United and Warnock but haven't actually seen them play since Bassett got the sack.


So yeah, a new catergory has been invented.


Catergory 4: Opinionated "fans" who have either never been to watch "their team" play or haven't been for decades cuz "their team" went a bit crap.


Good work, fella. Me & me ol' Daddy have seen Owls through think & thin from the glory of the early nineties (I can hear those yawns u know) to the ignomony of the last two years, in particular. I suppose its sad in a way ('cos i've obviously been given the right) to cuss those fans that don't attend as regularly as you or I, as I understand that it's not cheap these days (£20 to watch that ****e last season!) and then come out of the woodwork when success is assured - Blades & Owls.


It just gets to me how people voraciously voice their opinoins when they don't even see them play! It's like the idiots you get on 'Praise or Grumble':

Caller: They were bloody useless today! Useless!

Walker: Have you been?

Caller: No...but I lisetened to the first 10 minutes...last week.

Walker: Get off!


I have fired off on here recently, mainly due to some of the Blades' responses, but what really propmted it were the letters sent into the Green Un this Saturday just rubbing Wednesday's nose in it (don't worry, they'll be getting theirs as well). I'm a firm believer of what goes around comes around, but there's only so much an Owl can take? :)


I don't wish you guys any success next season but i'm not naive enough to recognise that it was a sterling effort by all those involved in the Lane. So again, well done.

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