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Is it racist to criticise Islam?

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Islam is not a race. It is a set of beliefs formed by people through their own choice/indoctrination.


It's like saying if you laugh at my new-found pastafarianism then you are a racist.


I should have the right to wear my colander at all times.

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No it need not be racist. It does depend on how those wishing to criticise it word their argument, and justify their criticism. Unfortunately on the strength of what I've read on SF on this subject, those that do criticise Islam can't help themselves from making racist comments.

You started the thread Eric, so what gets you upset about Islam?

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A good article about what you are asking here= http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/20/islam-race-richard-dawkins


Taken from the link=


"Islam might not be a race, but using that as a fig leaf for your unthinking prejudice is almost certainly racist".


What a complete load of Guardianista garbage that article is. I don't know where to start? Jews are not a race? My arm.

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No of course it isn't.


Do some racists use islam/muslims as lazy shorthand for foreigners with a tan, of course.


I agree with you 100% though I'm prepared to be proven wrong. It seems to work in reverse too where Islam is racist to non Muslims.


---------- Post added 19-01-2016 at 23:05 ----------


You started the thread Eric, so what gets you upset about Islam?


Absolutely nothing so long as it doesn't affect other people. That's the bit that Islam seems to have trouble with. Other religions suffer a similar jihadist / evangelist / gouranga desire to impinge on the lives of others of course, but not usually in such a death cultish way that affects other people.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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