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Is it racist to criticise Islam?

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Is it culture, religion, race or something else that gets everyone so upset?


No it isn't racist, it's sensible to criticise anyone that follows a belief system that describes non believers as inferior, and believers as superior.


Over half of the koran is devoted to condemning and dehumanizing non-Muslims, so I think it is my duty to criticise it.


My belief is that we are all equal, so no one will suffer an eternity of suffering after they die, and no one will spend eternity in paradise.


If anyone thinks they will spend eternity in paradise whilst others will suffer an eternity of suffering in hell, they must feel superior so deserve to be criticised.

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415 children aged 10 and under sent for deradicalisation over the last 4 years. Another 1,424 aged between 11-15. And the number has increased every year. And those are just the one's that were stupid enough to betray their thoughts in public. And yet media reports still shy away from direct religious and cultural criticism? Let me correct that... shame on all those who practice, propagate and perpetuate religious and cultural beliefs that leads so many young minds to the door of extremism. Shame on Islam and it's followers.


Racist? I really am beyond caring. Political correctness on this matter is far more dangerous. There is growing anger in the West with Islamic extremism and it is driving a dangerous surge in nationalism. If that nationalism continues to grow, and it will as long as Islamic extremism continues to be a problem, then it will ultimately result in the rejection and ejection of Muslims living in the West. I don't know how long it will take us to get there but that is where we are heading and the only way off the path is for Muslims to deal with their problem.


Whether criticism of Islam is racist or not, it is absolutely essential to avoid disaster. Muslims... sort it bloody out!!! :rant:

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I do wonder how threads like this get to 4 pages...the answer is 'no, it is clearly not racist to criticise Islam'. Struggling to see what debate can be had over that? But here I am driving it up to 5 pages...


Perhaps it is because there is such a lack of criticism when so much is actually due? Not only do our media and politicians shy away from honest criticism but they often warn against it...








It is interesting that we don't worry about stigmatising all teachers when we label a school as failing do we? We also don't worry about stigmatising all football supporters when we demand a football clubs tackle bad behaviour within their ranks. Or worry about stigmatising people who support a political party when we criticise policies. We do though worry about stigmatising Muslims for religious teachings that lead so many to embrace extremism... why is that?


The consensus of this thread may be that it isn't racist to criticise Islam or its' followers but the reality is that the racism label still awaits those that do. Perhaps if we keep reminding ourselves that it isn't racist we'll actually start seeing the criticism that is due? Perhaps that's the point of this thread?

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I do wonder how threads like this get to 4 pages...the answer is 'no, it is clearly not racist to criticise Islam'. Struggling to see what debate can be had over that? But here I am driving it up to 5 pages...


It's pretty obvious that this thread is another back door to have a bash at Muslims. As soon as this thread has been closed or reached its natural conclusion, another will open with a slightly different title, but with exactly the same goal.


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 13:09 ----------


Perhaps it is because there is such a lack of criticism when so much is actually due? Not only do our media and politicians shy away from honest criticism but they often warn against it...








It is interesting that we don't worry about stigmatising all teachers when we label a school as failing do we? We also don't worry about stigmatising all football supporters when we demand a football clubs tackle bad behaviour within their ranks. Or worry about stigmatising people who support a political party when we criticise policies. We do though worry about stigmatising Muslims for religious teachings that lead so many to embrace extremism... why is that?


The consensus of this thread may be that it isn't racist to criticise Islam or its' followers but the reality is that the racism label still awaits those that do. Perhaps if we keep reminding ourselves that it isn't racist we'll actually start seeing the criticism that is due? Perhaps that's the point of this thread?


Islam religious teachings does not lead "so many to embrace extreamism". That's like saying being a football fan leads directly to violence! Think about what you're saying for a minute!

Edited by Bonzo77
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It's certainly not racist to criticize Islam. It's a religion, not a race. I personally cannot agree with Islam, a faith whereby it is accepted to bury women waist deep and throw stones at them until they are dead. A religion that allows marriage to young children. A religion so un tolerant to other religions. A religion that does not see women as equal. Christainity has it's own problems too. Religion is poison in my view. Although, there are plenty of great muslim's who don't take the quran so seriously.

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It's certainly not racist to criticize Islam. It's a religion, not a race. I personally cannot agree with Islam, a faith whereby it is accepted to bury women waist deep and throw stones at them until they are dead. A religion that allows marriage to young children. A religion so un tolerant to other religions. A religion that does not see women as equal. Christainity has it's own problems too. Religion is poison in my view. Although, there are plenty of great muslim's who don't take the quran so seriously.


You're confusing religion with culture. Islam does not see women as 2nd citizens. Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state. The issues you're referring to are mainly middle eastern cultural ones.

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It's pretty obvious that this thread is another back door to have a bash at Muslims. As soon as this thread has been closed or reached its natural conclusion, another will open with a slightly different title, but with exactly the same goal.
I didn't see you (or any of the other usual suspects) make the same complaint in the 91 page "lets all get together and bash Christianity" thread?




So is it just the religions 'traditional' to the West that should be fair game?


Genuine question.

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