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Is it racist to criticise Islam?

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You're confusing religion with culture. Islam does not see women as 2nd citizens. Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state. The issues you're referring to are mainly middle eastern cultural ones.






...that's not to say that they're much better off in other religious texts.

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It's pretty obvious that this thread is another back door to have a bash at Muslims. As soon as this thread has been closed or reached its natural conclusion, another will open with a slightly different title, but with exactly the same goal.


It is also pretty obvious that Muslims (and supporters of multiculturalism) would like to dismiss criticism of Islam as disguised racism in order to avoid facing up to some uncomfortable truths. Unlucky.

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You're confusing religion with culture. Islam does not see women as 2nd citizens. Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state. The issues you're referring to are mainly middle eastern cultural ones.




Allah instructs you concerning your children: for the male, what is equal to the share of two females.

ref: http://quran.com/4/11


And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority].

ref: http://quran.com/2/228

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Islam religious teachings so not lead "so many to embrace extreamism". That's like saying being a football fan leads directly to iolence! Think about what you're saying for a minute!


You don't see a link between what it says in the Koran and people doing the things it says in the Koran? :huh:


Being a football fan doesn't directly lead to violence but if you support a club that has a problem with violence, and don't do something about it or withdraw your support, then you are part of the problem. English clubs were all banned in the 80's from European competitions because of the violence of the few and the inaction of the many... and rightly so. Think on it.

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You're confusing religion with culture.
Out of interest, where do you place wahabism/salafism on that scale?


The correlation between Islamic religious influence upon a country's culture and the enduring prevalence of patriarchal values in that same culture is as glaring as a nose on face.


All the more interesting when you pause for a moment to consider the retrograde cultural slide of many such countries into more fundamentalist patriarchal values and practices since their more secular days in the 60s and 70s.

Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state.
:confused:Which ones?


Can I have some examples? Lives ones, if you please, as historical evidence suggests that females heads of state in such countries don't grow very old, either :|

Edited by L00b
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It is also pretty obvious that Muslims (and supporters of multiculturalism) would like to dismiss criticism of Islam as disguised racism in order to avoid facing up to some uncomfortable truths. Unlucky.


I would say some Muslims and multicultural supporters.

It's the same with Christianity and most other religions.

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You don't see a link between what it says in the Koran and people doing the things it says in the Koran? :huh:


Being a football fan doesn't directly lead to violence but if you support a club that has a problem with violence, and don't do something about it or withdraw your support, then you are part of the problem. English clubs were all banned in the 80's from European competitions because of the violence of the few and the inaction of the many... and rightly so. Think on it.


The Jihadis Next Door on Channel 4 was an interesting program, almost all of the condemnation the Jihadis got was from other Muslims, Muslims calling Muslims muppets because they obay the koran.

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You're confusing religion with culture. Islam does not see women as 2nd citizens. Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state. The issues you're referring to are mainly middle eastern cultural ones.


No, you're ironically confusing religion with race, which is at the heart of the original question. ;)


What's interesting is that you seem to be confusing them because you'd rather other people don't have the discussion. What's really interesting is that the discussion has been very mature and insightful until you turned up to try to close it down. Very odd.


Religious criticism is on the whole an easy target , or at least western religion is. Racial criticism is verboten for all sorts of reasons, usually because some people don't think very hard, or let their emotion get in the way.


Your real reasons for wanting to avoid a discussion is known only to you, but other people are already starting to draw conclusions and will continue to do so. You might just be a bit emotionally confused, or you might not have thought about it much so you're parroting something that you've seen or heard in the absence of something better thought out.


I'm looking forward to hearing you contribute something useful and constructive to the discussion as it develops.

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You're confusing religion with culture. Islam does not see women as 2nd citizens. Many Muslim countries have women as heads of state. The issues you're referring to are mainly middle eastern cultural ones.


Tabari IX:113 "Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur'an."

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Tabari IX:113 "Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur'an."


That is what happens when you go to anti Islamic sites and put a quote that has no basis and was never attributed to Tabari.


Even worse the reference is incorrect as in Quran 9:113 has no relation to the above.


But trying to make it out you had some knowledge on Islam and may have suckered a few on here...remember ignorance never prevails. Your anti Islamic source put in a false reference and duped ppl to believe it is from the Quran.

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