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Dried up and painful nose, is it the weather or my central heating?

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Over the last few weeks I have been suffering from what I can only describe as a painfully dry nose. No other symptoms other then my nose occasionally being "snotty" for want of another word. My nose has become so dry, its bled a few times.


Is the weather to blame or my central heating? I noted the humidity in my house has gone from 65%+ in the summer to as low as 40% over the last few weeks. Its a bit counter intuitive as the warmer the air the larger the amount of water it can hold, but, when showering my nose stops hurting and the humidity in the bathroom goes up to over 75%.


Is anyone else suffering something similar or am I turning into a raisin?

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Yes I have suffered with that for years concrete bogies:gag: picking my nose makes my eyes water... and the inside of my nose is real sore now..the best thing I have found is to stuff a load of vaseline up your nose,,I also suffer with blocked sinus in this weather, using those nasal spray things seems to work for a bit then it gets worse.

Edited by Shogun
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Your not alone with this. I have this too, every year at least once. Must be the weather!! Very hard and sore, bleeds a bit and feels like you have a sharp piece of something stuck on the inside of your nose. Horrible. Try a vicks inhaler, and try to avoid picking it!!

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Your not alone with this. I have this too, every year at least once. Must be the weather!! Very hard and sore, bleeds a bit and feels like you have a sharp piece of something stuck on the inside of your nose. Horrible. Try a vicks inhaler, and try to avoid picking it!!


Thanks solution, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone.

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I get it as well and its awful, as said you can buy a water spray which helps, its not expensive and is made for babies by Calpol I think.

Vaseline can help a bit as can coconut oil which is a little lighter, but the water spray is probably the best thing.

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