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Psychoactive substances bill

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I take this naturally occurring herb for pain relief...it really works. It's as far away from your legal highs as you can get in terms of not being a designer drug and not being under the controlled substances list. Yet it's looking likely it will be banned.


Does anyone else think this is ludicrous? Isn't it time the gov stopped telling people what they should and shouldn't take and messing with people's lives?


Maybe ban legal highs and designer drugs.,, but the catch all is going to make criminals of a lot who take medicinal herbs etc


What are they going to ban next? Coffee??


Very lazy law making and typical of this nanny state.

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Its a plant from indonesia or bali. Kratom...

Organic powder form.

One of the properties is a psychoactive effect...but its not the main benefit.


It helps with pain relief, social anxiety, regulates sleep..even a mild appetite suppresent..very little or mild side effects.


Its not state sponsored or approved.


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 13:00 ----------


Surely if someone is marketing a product they should have a duty to know what it does. A licence would be a way of managing this, and demonstrating that the supplier knows its effects.


Any product in the wrong doses can cause unpleasant side effects. The other thing is tolerance is an individual thing.

Some can drink 3 pint and be fine. Some drink 3 and get violent?


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 13:01 ----------


What im saying is a license is only one guide.

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Who are the government to say what we can and can't put into our bodies. Making these substances illegal drives the market into the underworld, where there's no quality control & and these often violent and careless gangs push poor quality, contaminated drugs onto minors. The war on drugs will never win until we have rational policies. It's outrageous

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Its a plant from indonesia or bali. Kratom...

Organic powder form.

One of the properties is a psychoactive effect...but its not the main benefit.


It helps with pain relief, social anxiety, regulates sleep..even a mild appetite suppresent..very little or mild side effects.


Its not state sponsored or approved.


Can you grow your own stuff in a greenhouse?

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Can you grow your own stuff in a greenhouse?


With great difficulty...


Growing kratom outside of its native Southeast Asia habitat presents many unique challenges that might be overwhelming for the average home gardener. The plant, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, thrives in the balmy climates and nitrogen-rich soils of regions like Borneo, Vietnam, and Thailand. But what about growing the tree for personal use in less topical climates? Kratom enthusiasts might find the idea appealing, but in the end, cost and inconvenience might make this project more trouble than it’s worth.

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What's really behind all this?


Don't the government have to look after the interest of pharmaceutical companies who would prefer people pay them for remedies, rather than using naturally occurring ones?


The pharmacy industry uses lots of naturally occurring products.

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