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Better off on benefits than working

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I think a lot of the issue is why should the government support a loss making business? Plenty of people try to run a business with no idea of what they are doing (not saying this is you BTW) and make a loss. They can then claim tax credits to top up their salary but in reality that are sat at home doing very little to do with running a business and simply getting better benefits than jobseekers. The woman on Question Time a while back who was used as the pin-up girl for stopping tax credit changes was doing exactly this. Running a business that made no money, didn't really understand how to run a business other than the specific skill she was trying to sell.


Simply giving new business startups extra money isn't the answer. There does need to be far more support for new businesses, however it needs to be carefully done so as not to encourage more failing businesses which can leave suppliers and creditors out of pocket too.


LOL - im not making a loss. But if you claim benefits when it goes on previous earnings, and it takes months to even process such help. That is a problem.


I agree -why should the gov prop us loss making Businesses? but then again isnt it prerable to shelling out public money for JSA claimants?


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 13:31 ----------


Running your own business is really really really hard work, especially so when you consider how few businesses make money in their first few years.


Have you thought of getting another job whist your business is getting off the ground? It'll take the pressure off the money situation.


Yep. Im doing just that.


All i was making is the point that I would be better off financially NOT being self employed (in the current position).


You still have to pay everything an employed person does. even making small profits.

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LOL - im not making a loss. But if you claim benefits when it goes on previous earnings, and it takes months to even process such help. That is a problem.


I agree -why should the gov prop us loss making Businesses? but then again isnt it prerable to shelling out public money for JSA claimants?


Not really. When you add in bankruptcy costs, or failure to pay creditors costs, or court costs if required depending on how the company fails, or the future council house costs you now need if you declare bankruptcy and have to sell your house...it's not that simple to just spin up a business and think you can 'give it a go for a bit' and then bail out with no consequences if it doesn't work out.


I did say, that the comments might not apply to you about business mismanagement, but so many businesses do fall into this category. And fail. And cost both themselves and others a great deal of money when they do. That is why it's harder to get support as opposed to getting JSA.

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after a particularly hard weeks graft, struggling with sickness but still turning up to work, I got home on Friday and opened my pay slip to contemplate whether I would be better off dead than trying to live on the pittance I had earned whilst my boss was on holiday abroad.

After a cup of tea and deciding beans on toast would not be a suitable final meal, I turned over my pay slip and wrote down what I would get in benefits. It worked out at £30 per week more.

this signifies why the government has introduced benefit reforms to get people into slavery or force the vulnerable to die in a way that keeps the government's hands clean.

many self employed people are just generators of revenue for the government to spend on foreign lost causes that will never benefit ordinary UK citizens. much of the red tape comes from the EU regulations that the UK government forces its citizens to abide by.

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after a particularly hard weeks graft, struggling with sickness but still turning up to work, I got home on Friday and opened my pay slip to contemplate whether I would be better off dead than trying to live on the pittance I had earned whilst my boss was on holiday abroad.

After a cup of tea and deciding beans on toast would not be a suitable final meal, I turned over my pay slip and wrote down what I would get in benefits. It worked out at £30 per week more.

this signifies why the government has introduced benefit reforms to get people into slavery or force the vulnerable to die in a way that keeps the government's hands clean.

many self employed people are just generators of revenue for the government to spend on foreign lost causes that will never benefit ordinary UK citizens. much of the red tape comes from the EU regulations that the UK government forces its citizens to abide by.


How? Do you mind sharing the figures because it's pretty much impossible to get more money by not working...I fully understand if you don't want to disclose your income on here mind you! Just you get this a lot and I can't think of a single situation where simply quitting your job and leaving everything else the same would result in you having more money.

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Not really. When you add in bankruptcy costs, or failure to pay creditors costs, or court costs if required depending on how the company fails, or the future council house costs you now need if you declare bankruptcy and have to sell your house...it's not that simple to just spin up a business and think you can 'give it a go for a bit' and then bail out with no consequences if it doesn't work out.


I did say, that the comments might not apply to you about business mismanagement, but so many businesses do fall into this category. And fail. And cost both themselves and others a great deal of money when they do. That is why it's harder to get support as opposed to getting JSA.


with respect I pay court costs.

I dont have any creditor debts (other business might be different)

Bankruptcy - that would apply to anybody but you still have to pay to be declared bankrupt.


If I stopped running a business today, nobody would lose out (only the public if I claimed dole!). Plus, isnt the idea to start businesses, grow, pay tax and employ people?


Non of that can be achieved if i give up and park myself on JSA.

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Yep. Im doing just that.


All i was making is the point that I would be better off financially NOT being self employed (in the current position).


You still have to pay everything an employed person does. even making small profits.


I know, my wife has her own business and she also has her own job to make sure everything ticks over. She sometimes ends up going stupid amounts of hours a week, but getting your own business off the ground often involves making big sacrifices.

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How? Do you mind sharing the figures because it's pretty much impossible to get more money by not working...I fully understand if you don't want to disclose your income on here mind you! Just you get this a lot and I can't think of a single situation where simply quitting your job and leaving everything else the same would result in you having more money.


It doesn't take much of a difference to work or not if you take rent and council tax into account.Basic rate of pay per week against a weeks jsa plus the other benefits means not a lot between them,probably better off not working if single and renting.

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It doesn't take much of a difference to work or not if you take rent and council tax into account.Basic rate of pay per week against a weeks jsa plus the other benefits means not a lot between them,probably better off not working if single and renting.


When you compare the two though, it's important to remember that it's not all about money. Working can also also give you prospects and contacts, it can also help you to avoid the loss of self esteem that often accompanies being unemployed.

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I get your point jfk, but money matters,it cannot do your self esteem much good when you work for less than you would get for not working.There's plenty of minimum wage jobs,zero hours contracts,I glad that I am not in that situation. If you can't make it pay HH,find something you can do that will.

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I get your point jfk, but money matters,it cannot do your self esteem much good when you work for less than you would get for not working.There's plenty of minimum wage jobs,zero hours contracts,I glad that I am not in that situation. If you can't make it pay HH,find something you can do that will.


I never said that money doesn't matter, but that it shouldn't be the only consideration. I think that, only if you can get by, it's far better to be worse of working than it is to be signing on.

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