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Bernie Sanders - US Jeremy Corbyn?

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Reading a couple of articles today about Bernie Sanders. I will admit to initially being a Hilary supporter, but now I've read about Sanders I have completely switched camps (not that it matters I can't vote in the US!).


To me he comes across as very much a Corbyn style politician in that he flies economy, refuses donations from big business etc.


For the first time in ages, we have 2 genuine socialists positions of relative power on both sides of the Atlantic.


Hadn't seen a thread on here about him, so thought I'd start one. I like a lot of his policies, they just seem 'sensible' to me, but like so much in US politics there's no real substance to them at the moment, just soundbites sadly. I'm interested to see how his campaign evolves.

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Reading a couple of articles today about Bernie Sanders. I will admit to initially being a Hilary supporter, but now I've read about Sanders I have completely switched camps (not that it matters I can't vote in the US!).


To me he comes across as very much a Corbyn style politician in that he flies economy, refuses donations from big business etc.


For the first time in ages, we have 2 genuine socialists positions of relative power on both sides of the Atlantic.


Hadn't seen a thread on here about him, so thought I'd start one. I like a lot of his policies, they just seem 'sensible' to me, but like so much in US politics there's no real substance to them at the moment, just soundbites sadly. I'm interested to see how his campaign evolves.


I think relative power in this case is really relative! He will get a bit of tv time but so does spongebob. ;););)


That said our current galant leader flies easyjet!

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Reading a couple of articles today about Bernie Sanders. I will admit to initially being a Hilary supporter, but now I've read about Sanders I have completely switched camps (not that it matters I can't vote in the US!).


To me he comes across as very much a Corbyn style politician in that he flies economy, refuses donations from big business etc.


For the first time in ages, we have 2 genuine socialists positions of relative power on both sides of the Atlantic.


Hadn't seen a thread on here about him, so thought I'd start one. I like a lot of his policies, they just seem 'sensible' to me, but like so much in US politics there's no real substance to them at the moment, just soundbites sadly. I'm interested to see how his campaign evolves.


I've never been a big fan of Kentucky Fried Chicken! :gag:

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Reading a couple of articles today about Bernie Sanders. I will admit to initially being a Hilary supporter, but now I've read about Sanders I have completely switched camps (not that it matters I can't vote in the US!).


To me he comes across as very much a Corbyn style politician in that he flies economy, refuses donations from big business etc.


For the first time in ages, we have 2 genuine socialists positions of relative power on both sides of the Atlantic.


Hadn't seen a thread on here about him, so thought I'd start one. I like a lot of his policies, they just seem 'sensible' to me, but like so much in US politics there's no real substance to them at the moment, just soundbites sadly. I'm interested to see how his campaign evolves.

So, he's a Corbyn style politician with 'sensible' policies, surely he can't be both.

Is he also going to send submarines out armed with bows and arrows?

They've probably both got the same chance of winning power, minimal.

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Being an American politician, Sanders isn't as left wing as Corbyn. More of a social democrat than a full on socialist. However, there are definite similarities, and in my experience Sanders supporters are certainly sympathetic towards Corbyn, whereas Clinton supporters align themselves much more with what's left of the Blairites.

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So, he's a Corbyn style politician with 'sensible' policies, surely he can't be both.

Is he also going to send submarines out armed with bows and arrows?

They've probably both got the same chance of winning power, minimal.


Yeah, Corbyns policies are pretty crazy arnt they,? dont believe all the spin in the media, dont let them tell you what to think

recent public opinion polls...

• He supports a publicly run NHS, a position supported by 84% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the railways, a position backed by 66% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the energy companies, a position supported by 68% of the public.

• He believes the Royal Mail should be publicly owned, a position supported by 67% of the public.

• He supports rent controls, a position supported by 60% of the public.

• He has long pushed for the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, a position favoured by 82% of the public.

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Yeah, Corbyns policies are pretty crazy arnt they,? dont believe all the spin in the media, dont let them tell you what to think

recent public opinion polls...

• He supports a publicly run NHS, a position supported by 84% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the railways, a position backed by 66% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the energy companies, a position supported by 68% of the public.

• He believes the Royal Mail should be publicly owned, a position supported by 67% of the public.

• He supports rent controls, a position supported by 60% of the public.

• He has long pushed for the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, a position favoured by 82% of the public.


Oh dear. Here we go again.

Taxation policy:

Income tax Personal allowance. Rates and bands. NI (employer and employee). VAT rate.

Without telling us even vaguely where he plans to get the money his "support" for one thing or another is meaningless.

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Yeah, Corbyns policies are pretty crazy arnt they,? dont believe all the spin in the media, dont let them tell you what to think

recent public opinion polls...

• He supports a publicly run NHS, a position supported by 84% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the railways, a position backed by 66% of the public.

• He supports the nationalisation of the energy companies, a position supported by 68% of the public.

• He believes the Royal Mail should be publicly owned, a position supported by 67% of the public.

• He supports rent controls, a position supported by 60% of the public.

• He has long pushed for the withdrawal of British troops from Afghanistan, a position favoured by 82% of the public.


"Lies, damned lies, and statistics"


David Cameron won the last election with 37 % of vote, so based on your statistics it should be a landslide victory for Jeremy Corbyn and his terrorist sypathizing shadow chancellor in the next election .


Corbyn would be more electable if he planned to nationalise chocolate teapot factories than his plan to refit trident submarines with non nuclear warheads just to pacify Len McCluskey .

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