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Bernie Sanders - US Jeremy Corbyn?

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He's spoken out against the terrifying power wielded by the giant corporations who unduly influence domestic and foreign policy in the states (and here btw).


So keep it up. The neo-liberals have screwed with us and the working (in many cases now, non-working) people of the US for far too long. Its time for a change. It might not happen this time round in the UK or the US but it will happen. The downtrodden will only put up with so much.


If the founding fathers could see the massive inequality and injustice the US today, they would be spinning in their graves.

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He's spoken out against the terrifying power wielded by the giant corporations who unduly influence domestic and foreign policy in the states (and here btw).


So keep it up. The neo-liberals have screwed with us and the working (in many cases now, non-working) people of the US for far too long. Its time for a change. It might not happen this time round in the UK or the US but it will happen. The downtrodden will only put up with so much.


If the founding fathers could see the massive inequality and injustice the US today, they would be spinning in their graves.


The US founding fathers may have been visionaries for their time in some ways, but they were all wealthy land-owners and many of them had slaves.

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The US founding fathers may have been visionaries for their time in some ways, but they were all wealthy land-owners and many of them had slaves.


Very true. Nonetheless, with the exception of the 2nd amendment, the American constitution is a work of genius IMHO.

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Oh dear. Here we go again.

Taxation policy:

Income tax Personal allowance. Rates and bands. NI (employer and employee). VAT rate.

Without telling us even vaguely where he plans to get the money his "support" for one thing or another is meaningless.


I think these people know lightly more than you do..

and they are quite happy with his policies....


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I think these people know lightly more than you do..

and they are quite happy with his policies....



Are you pulling these posts off index cards?

I asked about tax policy.

How are Corbyn's spending plans to be financed?

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Are you pulling these posts off index cards?

I asked about tax policy.

How are Corbyn's spending plans to be financed?

he is going to make people who dont pay their tax, actually pay some

you know...all those massive companies that dont pay any, much like Osbornes family




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he is going to make people who dont pay their tax, actually pay some

you know...all those massive companies that dont pay any, much like Osbornes family





That's nowhere near enough.

A perfect tax avoidance clamp-down, if such a thing were possible, would raise less that £20 billion/year. That's out of a budget of between £700 and £800 billion pear year.

Even if he were to magically collect, lets be generous and say £15 billion. That wouldn't even close the deficit, never mind raising all the money for a nationalisation program and no doubt big increases in public sector spending.


The big sources of revenue for the state are income tax (25%), VAT (17%), NI (17%), and business taxes (11%).


He'll need a substantial increase in one or more of these taxes to raise the revenue for these plans.


Which is it to be?

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Come on guys, let have a thread about Bernie Sanders as opposed to slagging off Corbyn again. We all know each others views on Corbyn by now!


In fairness sgtkate, with a turnout of a little over 54% I don't think even the Americans are that bothered about talking about him. He's not freak-show enough. Speaking of which, has anyone seen palins latest outburst? Nutter!

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