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Putin / Alexander Litvinenko

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Is Putin the most powerful man in the world?


To my understanding, it seems he can pretty much act with impunity, and unlike western leaders, he doesn't need approval from other bodies within the state (votes in parliament or congress or whatever), to act. He is able to take direct powerful actions, e.g. order assassinations of traitors, which sets a precedent and dissuades others from following suit etc.


I just can't see western leaders being able to do that kind of thing; their accountability is their weakness?


I mean, why bother pussy footing around trying to get Alexander Litvinenko's killers extradited; wouldn't a real act of power just be to sent our own assassins in to Russia to deliver some instant justice?


Then again, we have a democracy, with our leaders being accountable, yes, it ties their hands in some regards; but on balance ... I think it's (democracy) a way more of a good thing than it is a bad thing (would *much* prefer to live in the UK than in Russia).


What about Dr David Kelly, then?

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If he didn't approve of it; wouldn't he have blocked it?


Possibly. Possibly not its a tough one but you see im highly suspicious of how our government is constantly finding ways to vilify Russia and Putin.

Putins making things worse in Syria.

Putins helping ISIS

Putin invaded Ukraine.

Putin only has 2 Shredded Wheat for brekie.

Its really obvious whats going on in the bigger picture. We are eventually heading off to war against Russia so now is the time to plant the seed in the publics brain. Russia is a bad place full of bad people who want to do bad things to us poor honourable westerners who have never hurt no one or stole anyones oil.


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 15:54 ----------


What about Dr David Kelly, then?


You do know someone will come along and tell you you are a conspiracy nut or you wear aluminium kitchen products as headgear.

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You do know someone will come along and tell you you are a conspiracy nut or you wear aluminium kitchen products as headgear.


Yup. I'm not at all convinced it was an inside job, but it could easily have been so.

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Possibly. Possibly not its a tough one but you see im highly suspicious of how our government is constantly finding ways to vilify Russia and Putin.

Putins making things worse in Syria.

Putins helping ISIS

Putin invaded Ukraine.

Putin only has 2 Shredded Wheat for brekie.

Its really obvious whats going on in the bigger picture. We are eventually heading off to war against Russia so now is the time to plant the seed in the publics brain. Russia is a bad place full of bad people who want to do bad things to us poor honourable westerners who have never hurt no one or stole anyones oil.


---------- Post added 21-01-2016 at 15:54 ----------



You do know someone will come along and tell you you are a conspiracy nut or you wear aluminium kitchen products as headgear.


There's no need for anybody to find ways for Putin or the Russians to look bad..........they do it all by themselves,they are corrupt liars of a government,and it's been proved time and time again with the invasion of Crimea,their troops in Ukraine,the shooting down of a civilian jet and now the murder of this man.........Putin is a compulsive liar who nobody in their right mind would trust as far as they could throw him,and the rest of his crony government are bigger liars than him,as are their media.

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Is Putin the most powerful man in the world?


To my understanding, it seems he can pretty much act with impunity, and unlike western leaders, he doesn't need approval from other bodies within the state (votes in parliament or congress or whatever), to act. He is able to take direct powerful actions, e.g. order assassinations of traitors, which sets a precedent and dissuades others from following suit etc.


I just can't see western leaders being able to do that kind of thing; their accountability is their weakness?


I mean, why bother pussy footing around trying to get Alexander Litvinenko's killers extradited; wouldn't a real act of power just be to sent our own assassins in to Russia to deliver some instant justice?


Then again, we have a democracy, with our leaders being accountable, yes, it ties their hands in some regards; but on balance ... I think it's (democracy) a way more of a good thing than it is a bad thing (would *much* prefer to live in the UK than in Russia).




Well I don't know about Litvinenko, but as for who is the most powerful, looking in an atlas and comparing the size of Russia to the U/K I would say only America comes near.

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I love the way some people on here think the British are above reproach and simply wouldn't do something like that, even in the face of overwhelming evidence....


I don't think that our government is competent enough to be able to do it without the fear that our free press would find out. It's a lot easier for the Russian government to get up to no good.

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Also, if it was a govt. or secret service sanctioned assassination, wouldn't Mr Kelly have been the victim of a terrible motoring accident?...


Or a random street mugging? Or maybe it was an elaborate double bluff by killing him in a way that would look like a inconclusive suicide?

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Well I don't know about Litvinenko, but as for who is the most powerful, looking in an atlas and comparing the size of Russia to the U/K I would say only America comes near.


Obama isn't powerful, he can be voted out of office!

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