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The new Moor what do you think.

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The thing that draws me to the cinema is IMAX, which gives you an experience that you just cannot get at home. You have to pay for it though, I think it was around £30 for two tickets to watch the latest Star Wars movie.


Dont think it will be IMAX. the Cineworld have had a major refit that ive heard nothing but praise for. Wonder what will happen to the Odeon? Will be such a difficult building to let if they vacate.

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Dont think it will be IMAX. the Cineworld have had a major refit that ive heard nothing but praise for. Wonder what will happen to the Odeon? Will be such a difficult building to let if they vacate.


Yea, the seats were really comfortable at Cineworld's IMAX after the refurb, I'm not sure about the entrance foyer though.

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I suppose that's like Sheffield Council knowing how successful the market would be, although Sheffield Council did have the benefit of knowing the area.

I have no doubt that the cinema will attract visitors, and will make a return. What I do doubt is that it will prove a major draw to the Moor in the evening unless there are some seriously good other attractions to make a visit worthwhile. It certainly won't be a major help to the market. I don't imagine too many folk staggering out the market with bags full of fish nipping in to see Star Wars on their way home. And therein lies the problem. If only they hadn't allowed it to go so far down the tubes.


I don't think you can compare an expansion and successful business working to make profit with the council.


The cinema itself won't really help the market but what people have often complained about is the lack of places to eat and drink, and those will be contained within this same development as the cinema. Frankly the market needs to stand on it's own if it is to survive.


I really hope that the cinema and restaurants encourages the likes of Atkinson's and Debenams maybe even the market to open later. Even if it doesn't the cinema site is a small diversion away from the drinking trails discussed earlier in this thread.

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I don't think you can compare an expansion and successful business working to make profit with the council.


The cinema itself won't really help the market but what people have often complained about is the lack of places to eat and drink, and those will be contained within this same development as the cinema. Frankly the market needs to stand on it's own if it is to survive.


I really hope that the cinema and restaurants encourages the likes of Atkinson's and Debenams maybe even the market to open later. Even if it doesn't the cinema site is a small diversion away from the drinking trails discussed earlier in this thread.


The cinema isnt going to draw that many people. Primark will, but its not exactly destination shopping. You will just have to see what comes out of the replacement Sevenstones, which will aim to attract more upmarket retailers. If the moor is successful then rents will eventually rise and the retailers will change. Its a lot better than it was.


Not sure how many other shops are going to be inside. It would be good if they all stayed open later.

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At the moment the Moor is dominated by pound shops and betting shops. At night it is a ghost town. A cinema alone isn't going to change that. There are no pubs, no decent restaurants and nothing else to bring in visitors. Sheffield's answer was to extend parking charges till 8.30.


The new cinema complex is to also house 7 restaurants.




It's a pity Uptowngirl no longer posts on here. She lives just over the border from you in Derbyshire. She had the same obsessions with the Moor being dead at night, parking in the city centre, the new market, supposed charity shops and pound shops on the Moor, etc. You could almost be the same troll.

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The new cinema complex is to also house 7 restaurants.




It's a pity Uptowngirl no longer posts on here. She lives just over the border from you in Derbyshire. She had the same obsessions with the Moor being dead at night, parking in the city centre, the new market, supposed charity shops and pound shops on the Moor, etc. You could almost be the same troll.


Ahhh thats right I remember now. Its was the same they'll never get my trade I prefer Chesterfield stuff.

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I think we have established that the Moor isn't the place to sit outside and have a drink in the sunshine, or to go for a drink at night. Nor is it a place to go for a drink in the daytime as there aren't any pubs. What's it like if you just want to go out for a steak with friends?


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 15:44 ----------



So what's the Moor like for someone not interested in food but just wanting a beer on Friday Night. Would that be a good or a poor destination?


As it stands right now, we all agree that the Moor lacks any good pubs (any at all? Dempseys maybe?)

As for steak, I'm not sure, probably no good. Better if you want a Chinese though I believe.

Fortunately it's being redeveloped and new restaurants will be opening around the cinema complex. As they lack special high heel access you'll probably never go there though.


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 21:57 ----------


Generally speaking unless cinemas have started doing accomodation that would require a walk back afterwards, and as there isn't really a tram stop anywhere near where I live it would require a taxi from the tram stop once we got off.

Well yes, whatever distance you walk, you do have to walk back afterwards.

I can't help you with living somewhere without the tram I'm afraid.


That's what makes cars so useful. They leave from my front door. They go to where you want. They don't stop running because of a tram broken down somewhere miles away. You don't have to sit on a seat that someone has smeared in dog muck or sludge, and you don't have to share them with drunken scum who might punch you in the mouth.

I like to have the choice.

Tomorrow I'll get a lift to the pub, if my wife was busy, I'd happily get the tram. I'll probably get a taxi home, because it's easier.


Well the thread is "The new Moor what do you think." So I assumed that's what we were discussing not some hypothetical discussion about places that don’t exist. Until they actually open any of these places I'll give it a wide berth and go to places that actually exist.


You assumed we were talking about RIGHT NOW, when you engaged in a discussion pages ago about a cinema complex that you fully know is not complete. Sure. :huh:


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 22:00 ----------


Of course they don't have to be more convenient for everyone. They do however have to be convenient for a lot of people. I suspect that for the vast majority of folk who live in South Yorkshire or North East Derbyshire there are places more convenient than the Moor, that they can get to easier, can park if they need to, and get their purchases home with less effort.

There was a mass emigration from the city centre to Meadowhall, which isn't about to go away. At the moment the Moor is dominated by pound shops and betting shops. At night it is a ghost town. A cinema alone isn't going to change that. There are no pubs, no decent restaurants and nothing else to bring in visitors. Sheffield's answer was to extend parking charges till 8.30.


So I fear the horse has bolted. The city centre is being abandoned to students, which in itself puts others off from venturing there. If I want to meet friends from North Sheffield I'd meet them at Kelham Island, Crookes or even Dronfield. We can have a drink or two, have a meal and head for home. Minimum effort all round. The moor needs to offer a USP to win back custom, not have folk telling me I need to take off my heels, wear jeans and take a bloody tram.


Perhaps after the cinema and restaurants are complete, someone will think to open a pub... That's the way redevelopment works isn't it?


You seem to be changing your argument more often than I change my socks (and I like clean socks, they feel so nice on my feet).

First it's that nobody will go to the cinema, then it's that there are no restaurants. Then the tram was too far away (468 metres). Then there was no parking (Big NCP and quite a lot of on street). Then there were no pubs. Then the pound shops couldn't compete with Meadowhall... But somehow you're now talking about the moor as it is, and not it's redevelopment.

You don't like the moor, and you don't want to like the moor. And you think everyone else should agree and that they should probably go to Chesterfield for something or other.


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 22:01 ----------


They don't now. They down load them from the internet. That way they can watch the blockbuster they want even when the cinema isn't showing it.


Ah yes, and you're happy to pirate movies, so you won't be going to the cinema anyway.


---------- Post added 28-01-2016 at 22:03 ----------


The new cinema complex is to also house 7 restaurants.




It's a pity Uptowngirl no longer posts on here. She lives just over the border from you in Derbyshire. She had the same obsessions with the Moor being dead at night, parking in the city centre, the new market, supposed charity shops and pound shops on the Moor, etc. You could almost be the same troll.


Ah, but you can't drive to the door in your high heels and then drive next door to a pub with 8 handpull craft beers made by guys with beards.

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I'm sure that it is possible, but the point is that it isn't necessary. Why would a person walk miles, travel on 2 buses and a tram to buy something they can buy from a place with a car park, or they could get to without half as much effort?

It is the area that needs to tempt us in to spend our money, not our obligation to undergo a route march in order to shop.


All I'm seeing on here is if you really put yourself out you can get to a place where you can't get a decent drink, can't buy a decent meal, and is full of pound shops.

Silly me I forgot the car is the be all and end all of people's life, seems by the replies that people have got very idle, they will be wanting public transport, tram or bus, to pick them up at home and drop them exactly where they want to go.

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The new cinema complex is to also house 7 restaurants.




It's a pity Uptowngirl no longer posts on here. She lives just over the border from you in Derbyshire. She had the same obsessions with the Moor being dead at night, parking in the city centre, the new market, supposed charity shops and pound shops on the Moor, etc. You could almost be the same troll.


What ever happened to Happ Hazzard? Another Chesterfield focused contributor. This becoming like the North Korean propaganda beamed to the South, in this case the North, extolling the virtues of living in the perfect country, all that is missing are references to the Great Leader, but wait, we do get comments of the corrupt govenence of the place over the border.

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