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Schoolboy not questioned for living in a terrorist house

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I read somewhere, possibly The Independent but I can't find it now, that the boy had been asked to write a story. As well as using the phrase "terrorist house", he'd put that he was fed up of his uncle hitting him - both things made up. Teachers have a legal duty to report things that might generate concerns about terrorism or child abuse and the lad's story would have triggered both. Teachers don't have the option of having a quiet chat with a child to check everything is OK anymore, so the police became involved. They investigated and found nothing to worry about.


Were Social Services involved, or just the police?


---------- Post added 22-01-2016 at 12:37 ----------


remember folks, every time you make a typo, it's another win for the errorists :|



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I hadn't seen the other reason when I created the topic but having seen the child's paper I'm now wondering what sort of lesson plan for infants it is that starts with

what makes you feel gloomy or down in the dumps?
It's almost like they were fishing for something horrible, and it's not exactly surprising that a young child's imagination runs away with them. The teacher might have a few questions to answer too.



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Muslims are easy meat these days. There are going to be more of these kind of stupid stories because it fits the mood of the moment and the mood of the moment is Muslims are our enemy.

Ill remember that next time i visit a mosque.


I'm a bit puzzled by the "Muslims are easy meat" comment.


This story was only in the media because the family and the Muslim Council of Britain wanted it in the papers, and The Guardian facilitated it.


The story that was spread across the media was that the family of a boy received a visit from the police, carrying out their duties under Prevent, as the result of a simple spelling mistake because the boy had written that he lived in a “terrorist house”, when he meant to write “terraced house”. Then there's The Muslim Council Of Britain complaining that this is just a natural consequence of the extension of the ‘Prevent Duty’ to schools, and there are numerous examples just like it.


The original story is here:






Oh yes, it's been removed. Although probably available via the wayback machine. It's been removed because The Guardian is deeply embarrassed about it.


The actions of the school, police and social services were nothing to do with terrorism or Prevent at all, nothing to do with a spelling mistake, and nothing to do with the faith of of the boy. It was one of many routine call that social services make.


I imagine that the news editor of The Guardian has a drawer full of proforma news sheets on 'Islamophobic outrage' waiting for just the details to be added, and the Muslim Council Of Britain came along and gave them the details which they added without any thought.


And so it goes, but there's only so much crying wolf that can happen.


Schoolgirls go to Syria. They were groomed on the Internet, it's the fault of the police. Oh wait, here's a photo of you on an extremist march, with your daughter, burning flags.


Jihadist lops off heads. But when he worked for us in 2009 he was such a beautiful young man, he was later radicalised by the security forces. Oh wait, here's his obituary in the ISIS fanzine talking about how he saw the jihadi light as early as 2005, the year of the “blessed raids” in London.

Edited by milquetoast1
corrected link
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I'm a bit puzzled by the "Muslims are easy meat" comment.


I think in general, they're the scapegoats for certain news stories - "Muslims to blame for no bacon at KFC", "Muslims to blame for banning of Christmas and renaming it Winter Festival", "Halal meat at all schools" and so on, a bit like "Health and Safety".


This story was on my local news last night, mainly to get vox pops from outraged locals:




One disgusting moron even said that if it happened, Muslims would move in and it would lower house prices.


Here's the link, 5 minutes in:



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