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Barbara Hepworth's Rosewall: where is it?

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According to this article on the BBC website today, the Barbara Hepworth sculpture called Rosewall is located somewhere in Chesterfield. Investigation on the web reveals that it used to belong to Royal Mail and be outside their building; then it was at Yorkshire Sculpture Park for three years; then the Royal Mail tried to flog it off, causing a public outcry and eventually it was bought and returned to Chesterfield.


So where is it now? I've never noticed it while wandering round there, though it's always possible I saw it and ignored it. According to an article in 2009 it was meant to be relocated to Chesterfield's 'new Waterside development' in the next couple of years; according to another page from 2011 the time scale had stretched to five years. So does anyone know exactly where this lump of stone currently is in Chesterfield?

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The sculpture is in the news today as having been given Grade 2* listed status, so it must be somewhere!


About half way down the page here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35352595



According the the Chesterfield Art Trail it's at West Bars: rear of Royal Mail Building, 1 Future Walk




Edited by Nagel
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That second link is the one I quoted from 2011 which says at the end that it will be moved to the Waterside development in the next five years, so about by now.


I thought you wanted to know where it is now, which is where I said if the Google Earth satellite picture is correct.


Are you a Hepworth fan?

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Thanks Alchresearch, looks as though it's still behind the Post Office then assuming the Google Earth picture is reasonably recent. I did want to know where it is now - it's just that the indications were it was about to be moved, but it doesn't look as though it's happened yet.


I wouldn't say I'm exactly a Barbara Hepworth fan, I just wondered why I hadn't seen it while wandering around in Chesterfield, but then I hadn't thought to wander behind the Post Office building. I wonder if there's any indication out on the street that's it's there. I keep meaning to go and have a look at the museum in Wakefiled but I haven't got round to it yet.


Edit - from the Google street view there's no indication that's it's hidden away behind there.

Edited by metalman
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