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If money was no object what would you do with your time?

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Id build a homeless shelter, rehab centre and staff it with the best and brightest. Id also buy a new car but the main bulk of any monies would go to helping people.


yep would spend my time volunteering, perhaps 2 holidays a year, going back to university, give some money to family and friends. Would pop into my old place of work, buy a nice meal for the people that I like, & and tell the ones that I don't like to shove their rotten job :hihi:

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If money was no object; I'd build a luxury palace on the moon.


Also, as I would have in effect infinite wealth, in contrast, everyone else living on earth would be in equal poverty. Certainly, I would engineer it so that was the case and I would take everyone's possessions and wealth away from them. I would then start dishing wealth out based on merit (the more you contribute to the well being of humanity as a whole, the more you get ... bankers wouldn't do so well).


---------- Post added 23-01-2016 at 11:50 ----------


Also, I would drop a billion big bean bags on top of Sheffield, and everyone would get free jelly and ice-cream (not the cheap stuff).

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I'd love to think I'd give it all away, but I wouldn't! I'd clear all my mates mortgages and give those who are renting a nice deposit so that they can buy somewhere and get a decent mortgage.


Then I'd almost certainly buy myself an utterly stupid car. A Lambo or Nobel or just something trying ridiculous but good fun. I'd then track day it and take racing lessons as I would LOVE to be a racing driver, even a low level one would be absolutely dream job :)


Then I'd travel and do voluntary/aid work as I went around where I could be of assistance. Giving whatever funds were needed to get the charity to it's goal.

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