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TV licence thread

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I would not be surprised at all if someone  starts  a crowd funding to raise some capital for a judicial review
 Making the BBC stand alone and  fund it's operation from subscriptions is well over due.

Also, with all that income over £5billion  as described by Baron99 , and still relied on the gov to pay for pensioners TV licences.

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1 hour ago, euclid said:

YOU should be ashamed of YOUR self speaking about your old mum like that..you sound a little jealous....i read on here a while back you said you were from Killamarsh......try going in the Nags Head and spouting off....you won't be in there long ;) ..but as I said you're not the only one on here who moans about O.A.P's..it'll be the free bus pass next...comeon "W"...makes you proud to be British....I don't think


To Quote :-

A  VETERAN who won the prestigious Victoria Cross award claimed he felt “physically sick” and had “tears” in his eyes after the BBC announced it plans to axe free TV licences for over-75s.A veteran, known as George, emailed into ITV’s Good Morning Britain, claiming he felt “sickened and disgusted” at the BBC’s plans to scrap free TV licences for over-75s. From 2020, only 1.5 million households where an elderly viewer is receiving Pension Credit will qualify to get the £150.50 licence free of charge. Reading out an email from the veteran on GMB, host Piers Morgan said: “What about this email, George via email to Good Morning ..

“‘As a former war veteran and recipient of a Victoria Cross, I am sickened and disgusted that I am now expected to pay the license fee.

“‘The television has become my only source of entertainment as due to ill health I cannot leave the house like I used to.

“‘I feel physically sick, I have tears in my eyes as I write this letter. I feel I am being punished by the Government and the BBC’.”

Mr Morgan added: “A Victoria Cross winner in this country, George, by email. In tears this morning, because of what the BBC and in conspiracy with the Government, this is what they have done.....

During a rant later, Mr Morgan said: “There you are 80, 85, 90, 95, 100-years-old. Watching television, for many people their only window into the world and this is what we do to them.

“D-Day veterans, really BBC? That is what you are going to do? You’re going to tax D-Day veterans to watch television...….I'm disgusted


He should read this bit on Sheffield Forum...He'd be even MORE disgusted.....

Calm down you'll do yourself a mischief.

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1 hour ago, euclid said:

YOU should be ashamed of YOUR self speaking about your old mum like that..you sound a little jealous....i read on here a while back you said you were from Killamarsh......try going in the Nags Head and spouting off....you won't be in there long ;) ..but as I said you're not the only one on here who moans about O.A.P's..it'll be the free bus pass next...comeon "W"...makes you proud to be British....I don't think


To Quote :-

A  VETERAN who won the prestigious Victoria Cross award claimed he felt “physically sick” and had “tears” in his eyes after the BBC announced it plans to axe free TV licences for over-75s.A veteran, known as George, emailed into ITV’s Good Morning Britain, claiming he felt “sickened and disgusted” at the BBC’s plans to scrap free TV licences for over-75s. From 2020, only 1.5 million households where an elderly viewer is receiving Pension Credit will qualify to get the £150.50 licence free of charge. Reading out an email from the veteran on GMB, host Piers Morgan said: “What about this email, George via email to Good Morning ..

“‘As a former war veteran and recipient of a Victoria Cross, I am sickened and disgusted that I am now expected to pay the license fee.

“‘The television has become my only source of entertainment as due to ill health I cannot leave the house like I used to.

“‘I feel physically sick, I have tears in my eyes as I write this letter. I feel I am being punished by the Government and the BBC’.”

Mr Morgan added: “A Victoria Cross winner in this country, George, by email. In tears this morning, because of what the BBC and in conspiracy with the Government, this is what they have done.....

During a rant later, Mr Morgan said: “There you are 80, 85, 90, 95, 100-years-old. Watching television, for many people their only window into the world and this is what we do to them.

“D-Day veterans, really BBC? That is what you are going to do? You’re going to tax D-Day veterans to watch television...….I'm disgusted


He should read this bit on Sheffield Forum...He'd be even MORE disgusted.....

The list of Victoria Cross recipients is available online.


7 were awarded to men with first or last name of George. They are all dead.


There is one living recipient of the VC from the Second World War, John Cruickshank of Scotland who is aged 99. He retired from a career in banking in 1977. There is nothing online saying he was part of D-Day.


It's amazing how easily people fall for fake outrage on TV thinking it's real.


Anyone could have wrote that email.

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3 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

The list of Victoria Cross recipients is available online.


7 were awarded to men with first or last name of George. They are all dead.


There is one living recipient of the VC from the Second World War, John Cruickshank of Scotland who is aged 99. He retired from a career in banking in 1977. There is nothing online saying he was part of D-Day.


It's amazing how easily people fall for fake outrage on TV thinking it's real.


Anyone could have wrote that email.

You aren't suggesting piers Morgan is lying are you? Heaven forbid.

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6 minutes ago, the_bloke said:

The list of Victoria Cross recipients is available online.


7 were awarded to men with first or last name of George. They are all dead.


There is one living recipient of the VC from the Second World War, John Cruickshank of Scotland who is aged 99. He retired from a career in banking in 1977. There is nothing online saying he was part of D-Day.


It's amazing how easily people fall for fake outrage on TV thinking it's real.


Anyone could have wrote that email.

Haha brilliant. Well researched. 

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3 hours ago, euclid said:

YOU should be ashamed of YOUR self speaking about your old mum like that..you sound a little jealous....i read on here a while back you said you were from Killamarsh......try going in the Nags Head and spouting off....you won't be in there long ;) ..but as I said you're not the only one on here who moans about O.A.P's..it'll be the free bus pass next...comeon "W"...makes you proud to be British....I don't think


To Quote :-

A  VETERAN who won the prestigious Victoria Cross award claimed he felt “physically sick” and had “tears” in his eyes after the BBC announced it plans to axe free TV licences for over-75s.A veteran, known as George, emailed into ITV’s Good Morning Britain, claiming he felt “sickened and disgusted” at the BBC’s plans to scrap free TV licences for over-75s. From 2020, only 1.5 million households where an elderly viewer is receiving Pension Credit will qualify to get the £150.50 licence free of charge. Reading out an email from the veteran on GMB, host Piers Morgan said: “What about this email, George via email to Good Morning ..

“‘As a former war veteran and recipient of a Victoria Cross, I am sickened and disgusted that I am now expected to pay the license fee.

“‘The television has become my only source of entertainment as due to ill health I cannot leave the house like I used to.

“‘I feel physically sick, I have tears in my eyes as I write this letter. I feel I am being punished by the Government and the BBC’.”

Mr Morgan added: “A Victoria Cross winner in this country, George, by email. In tears this morning, because of what the BBC and in conspiracy with the Government, this is what they have done.....

During a rant later, Mr Morgan said: “There you are 80, 85, 90, 95, 100-years-old. Watching television, for many people their only window into the world and this is what we do to them.

“D-Day veterans, really BBC? That is what you are going to do? You’re going to tax D-Day veterans to watch television...….I'm disgusted


He should read this bit on Sheffield Forum...He'd be even MORE disgusted.....

No one is moaning about OAP's per se - just the pathetic attempt to justify giving wealthy people free stuff just because they've lived  a long time. They should be grateful that they've manged to reach 75 and not popped off at 45.


My parents are like Tinfoils - comfortable financially, free bus pass(but they buy a new Lexus every three years, free TV (but they pay for subscription services), winter fuel (but they paid cash for a roof full of solar panels). Most of them aren't poor and they don't need the stuff - but they'll gladly take it if offered.


Give free licenses to bed ridden and house bound, free bus passes to job seekers or 16-18 year olds


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1 hour ago, the_bloke said:

It's amazing how easily people fall for fake outrage on TV thinking it's real.


Morgan also said this on Twitter:


I’m told @BBCBreakfast hasn’t covered the TV licence scandal today. Surely this can’t be true??!!!

Was covered in detail at 7.39 this morning after the headlines and sport.  


Was also covered in all the front pages of the papers.


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6 hours ago, euclid said:

I find people like you disgusting...:shakes:....did you see the D-Day...Remembrance...these are/would have been O.A.P'S who put their lives on the line so the likes of you can complain about them...you ought to be ashamed of yourself..but unfortunately you are not on your own on this forum.....

dont be silly, its got NOTHING to do with D Day, apart from the veterans being old, i see that's being wheeled out in meme land on facebook etc too. i agree with Robin, why if a pensioner can afford it should they get it for free? that goes for winter fuel allowance, and bus passes. The rich get old as well you know, as for the veterans themselves the war was over 70 years ago i'm sure a lot did a lot more in life, some might even have made a fair bit of money

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Do away with free TV licences, free bus travel, winter fuel allowances, ETC.. replace them with a yearly supply of free beer tickets, then we can drink ourselves to a happy early grave :hihi:. thus saving the government millions of pounds in the long run.

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6 hours ago, Magilla said:

The government removed the funding not the BBC!


The question was put to the public, the majority of those who responded decided it should be reformed or scrapped.


The survey was widely publicised at the time, on the BBC and in national press and current affairs TV shows, it was open to every UK citizen.


Pretty sure it was discussed on here at the time also...


In Brexit parlance.. it was "the will of the people!"


The same way any organisation gives any allowance, you provide proof or you don't get it.

The BBC had a consultation with 190,000 people, of whom 52% were in favour of reforming or abolishing free licences. The questions the public were asked were very much skewed towards changing the free licence for over 75s. 


There was no option to keep things as they are.


Future option suggestions for public consultation were:


1. Scrap free licence fees for over-75s.


2. Replace with a 50% concession for all over-75 households.


3. Increase the age threshold for eligibility.


4. Means-test eligibility for the concession.


Like the EU, the BBC doesn't do democracy.

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