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TV licence thread

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3 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I don't have access to £billions of public money to fight my legal battles.


But the BBC does.

Let me give you some quick pro bono.


Harrassment is a criminal offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. 


A call to the police will do.   No need for expensive legal fees.


Go knock yourself out.    Do keep us posted how you get on. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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55 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

As for the Tories, there is not a single good reason why the entire leadership of that party shouldn't be rotting in a prison cell for the crimes they have committed against the working class and the poor of this country. 

... but then, you wouldn't have got your precious Brexit :roll:


Every problem aimed at the EU was a result of those policies! If we're to believe your "working class" rhetoric regarding Brexit... then they clearly benefitted more than most!


Given your solution for those poor old pensioners on this thread would mean that ultimately, they will end up paying more... for less....


doesn't do much for your socialist creds.... :hihi:


Edited by Magilla
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9 hours ago, Magilla said:

Welcome to Brexit "everyone for themselves" Britain!

Brexit hasn't happened yet.


The BBC TV licence fee is nothing to do with Brexit at all. It is everything to do with Tory austerity and a greedy out of touch BBC.


It was the BBC Director General, the well lunched Tony Hall (Lord Hall of Birkenhead) who in clandestine talks that lasted less than a week agreed with the Tories back in 2015 that the BBC would receive a funding boost in return for taking the responsibility for providing free services to the over-75s. Lord Hall went further and wanted the BBC to have the responsibility for deciding whether the benefit should exist at all (surprise surprise this very wealthy man doesn't want it to exist at all).


The Tories 2015 manifesto pledge to keep the BBC TV licence fee free for over-75s was copied word for word into the party’s 2017 general election manifesto. Never trust a Tory OR a rich BBC Lord, they are both the ruling class and have nothing but hatred for the workers and the poor.



Edited by Car Boot
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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Brexit hasn't happened yet.


The BBC TV licence fee is nothing to do with Brexit at all. It is everything to do with Tory austerity and a greedy out of touch BBC.


It was the BBC Director General, the well lunched Tony Hall (Lord Hall of Birkenhead) who in clandestine talks that lasted less than a week agreed with the Tories back in 2015 that the BBC would receive a funding boost in return for taking the responsibility for providing free services to the over-75s. Lord Hall went further and wanted the BBC to have the responsibility for deciding whether the benefit should exist at all (surprise surprise this very wealthy man doesn't want it to exist at all).


The Tories 2015 manifesto pledge to keep the BBC TV licence fee free for over-75s was copied word for word into the party’s 2017 general election manifesto. Never trust a Tory OR a rich BBC Lord, they are both the ruling class and have nothing but hatred for the workers and the poor.



Did rich and middle class over75s not get it free then? What about those poorer ones on pension credit that will still get it?

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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Brexit hasn't happened yet.

It wouldn't be happening *at all* if it wasn't for those Tory policies you claim to hate so much :roll:


Regardless, yes... Brexit hasn't happened, but the resultant xenophobia and rise in hate crime has!


2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

The BBC TV licence fee is nothing to do with Brexit at all. It is everything to do with Tory austerity and a greedy out of touch BBC.

The over 75's free licence benefit does, in that the decision was made by the people... alot of whom now have the same "sod everyone else, lets look after number one" attitude that Brexit has fostered.


2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

It was the BBC Director General, the well lunched Tony Hall (Lord Hall of Birkenhead) who in clandestine talks that lasted less than a week agreed with the Tories back in 2015 that the BBC would receive a funding boost in return for taking the responsibility for providing free services to the over-75s. Lord Hall went further and wanted the BBC to have the responsibility for deciding whether the benefit should exist at all (surprise surprise this very wealthy man doesn't want it to exist at all).

Neither do you! You spend most of your time telling us how crap the BBC is, if it's really that crap then no-one needs the benefits at all! It'd simply be a waste of money.


The reality... you would prefer they pay more for a lesser service... to different metropolitan, out of touch elites... that live in the USA!


You couldn't make it up! :loopy:


2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

The Tories 2015 manifesto pledge to keep the BBC TV licence fee free for over-75s was copied word for word into the party’s 2017 general election manifesto.

Thanks for totally undermining your own argument! :hihi:


2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Never trust a Tory OR a rich BBC Lord, they are both the ruling class and have nothing but hatred for the workers and the poor.

.. or a Car Boot that has reading and comprehension difficulties! :thumbsup:


You've been caught out so many times, and undermined your own credibility so often you're now like a bad parody of Alan Partridge doing an impression of Citizen Smith!


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3 hours ago, Magilla said:

It wouldn't be happening *at all* if it wasn't for those Tory policies you claim to hate so much :roll:


Regardless, yes... Brexit hasn't happened, but the resultant xenophobia and rise in hate crime has!


The over 75's free licence benefit does, in that the decision was made by the people... alot of whom now have the same "sod everyone else, lets look after number one" attitude that Brexit has fostered.


Neither do you! You spend most of your time telling us how crap the BBC is, if it's really that crap then no-one needs the benefits at all! It'd simply be a waste of money.


The reality... you would prefer they pay more for a lesser service... to different metropolitan, out of touch elites... that live in the USA!


You couldn't make it up! :loopy:


Thanks for totally undermining your own argument! :hihi:


.. or a Car Boot that has reading and comprehension difficulties! :thumbsup:


You've been caught out so many times, and undermined your own credibility so often you're now like a bad parody of Alan Partridge doing an impression of Citizen Smith!


Rather than undermining my argument, I have demonstrated that the reason vulnerable and disabled over 75s will be forced to pay the BBC TV tax next year is because a rich BBC Lord (Tony Hall) did a back room deal with 'austerity for the poor only' obsessed rich Tories a few years back.


The BBC and the Tories working together to hurt the poor. The ruling class collaborating against the rest of us. 

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7 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Rather than undermining my argument, I have demonstrated that the reason vulnerable and disabled over 75s will be forced to pay the BBC TV tax next year is because a rich BBC Lord (Tony Hall) did a back room deal with 'austerity for the poor only' obsessed rich Tories a few years back.

Tony Hall would have to be pretty special to predict the outcome of a national survey 2 years in advance :?


All you've highlighted is the real culprit, which is this government... the rest is just your delusion.


7 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The BBC and the Tories working together to hurt the poor.

Tories yes, BBC no :roll:


7 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The ruling class collaborating against the rest of us. 

That would be Brexit in a nutshell... you've been pretty quiet on that NHS dividend, side of the bus guff potentially funding a tax cut for the rich.. can't think why! :suspect:


Welcome to Brexit Britain! :roll:


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Mass protests against the BBC will be held up and down the country outside BBC buildings and offices. The first of these protests will be held on Friday 21 June. 


The hated and feared BBC TV tax must fall! 



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It's time to scrap the TV licence for everyone.  The TV licence was introduced before the days of hundreds of different channels and broadband.  Most households pay for a broadband subscription and broadband is the new way which many people have started to watch television through so called smart televisions.  The TV licence  should be replaced by something like a broadband tax built into broadband subscriptions which should go to fund the BBC.   Also the BBC should start taking revenue from advertising during peak viewing hours.  The BBC also need to cut costs.

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Just now, Car Boot said:

Mass protests against the BBC will be held up and down the country outside BBC buildings and offices. The first of these protests will be held on Friday 21 June. 


The hated and feared BBC TV tax must fall!

Nice, so now you're supporting the same course of action that remainers have been advocating for the last 3 years with regard to Brexit!


Yay! :thumbsup:


I always find it amusing how the values you expouse in this thread are the polar opposite to those in the Brexit thread.


You love those metropolitan capitalist elites just fine here, you spend the majority of  your time advertising for them! :hihi:

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