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TV licence thread

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What happens when Ad revenue is not making enough and the broadcasters start putting their prices up.   Where do you think the companies are going to pass on their costs to?     What happens when the market shifts and there are massive holes developing in a broadcasters budgets. 


Its happened before.


ITV already has suffered this:




Channel 4 has had its problems:



Netflix is hemorrhaging money:



Not great for a public broadcast service that apparently people rely on and depend so much in their lives because they have little else for company right?


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17 minutes ago, Nightbird said:

In a capitalist market place, companies pay a lot to advertise; mel implied that paying to advertise on tv has an adverse effect on consumers by leading to higher prices to cover the cost of the advertising. I am saying that the returns these companies get more than cover the costs of the advertising so no cost is "passed on" to the consumer. What makes it a red herring is the fact that this is the case already despite the BBC's current existence.

That just means the cost of the adverts are spread over more items not that there is no effect on prices.

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7 minutes ago, zaci said:

A good reason for the BBC to supply everyone with a TV box and then do what Sky do if you don't pay your subscription.  Turn it off!!

Doesnt work like that.  Its not a BBC subscription service linked to a set top box. 


The law requires anyone receiving any live broadcast television on any device to have a licence to receive it.

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3 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Doesnt work like that.  Its not a BBC subscription service linked to a set top box. 


The law requires anyone receiving any live broadcast television on any device to have a licence to receive it.

Why is the license fee linked to the BBC?

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1 minute ago, ECCOnoob said:

Because that's what the Secretary of State and the government decided would happen.   See Communications Act 2003  (sec 364).


Paying for a general licence to  be able to watch live broadcast television is one thing, but an increasing amount of people resent it paying for one particular broadcaster.

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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

I haven't paid my BBC TV licence for some years, despite the BBC constantly sending me letters threatening me with menaces if I don't pay.


I am not a criminal. I don't watch live television broadcasts. You should have been in the SS with your investigatory skills criminalising those you disagree with.

So you're saying that you don't require a TV license.


Saying "I've not paid for X" quite clearly indicates that you should have and that you think you're getting away with it.

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Although it isn't long before I would have qualified for a free licence, I accepted that even on a lowish income, its only £3 a week.  However, I read what Martin Bell, who was a respected TV reporter in his day had to say about the inflated salaries (and egos at the BBC), and I agree.  I'm now in support of saving the free licence for many more pensioners.  Those on large pensions have the freedom to pay for theirs if taking a freebie goes against their principles.   😐



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