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TV licence thread

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10 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yawn. Nothing to see here folks. Just another load of Daily Mail manufactured outrage and desperate social media trawling to try and find a story that isnt there. 


"...Terrifies the elderly.." my backside.


What do we have have? An article where the protagonist is some whinging hysteric in their 20s and a load of twitterati airheads spewing out their unwanted and irrelevant opinions.


Jesus christ, if you gonna do something at least find some old codger to interview and pose for the obligatory sad face photograph.  


They are not even trying in their anti BBC campaign anymore.


1/10 poor effort. Report to me after class. Must do better.

The Daily Mail did not manufacture the appalling TV Licensing letter, it is genuine:




There is no legal requirement for non-customers to respond to TV Licensing demands for information about private households. The contents of this letter are chilling, and reveal that TV Licensing (a trademark of the BBC) is sending people to visit the homes of non-customers of the BBC TV licence fee during the Coronavirus pandemic (when infections are rising) and using extremely threatening letters that cause alarm and distress - especially to vulnerable people. 


When the BBC uses such desperate tactics to force people to pay for the licence fee, then anti-BBC campaigners don't need to try very hard. It seems the BBC is making the case for decriminalisation and abolition of the licence fee all by itself.

Edited by Car Boot
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16 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

No I don't care. The rules are very simple and have been since TV licensing was first introduced.


Tell you what I do care about though, national newspapers creating completely misleading headlines and fabricating stories out of nothing but a load of uncorroborated social media opinion.


Tell you another thing I care about even more is calling out posters like you peddling repeated blatant lies, selective editing and mistruths to desperately try and further an agenda.

Oh dear. You seem to have the weight of the world on your shoulders.


Very bitter personal attacks and insults on a forum reveal more about the mentality of the person making them than they do the individual being attacked.

Edited by Car Boot
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5 hours ago, Car Boot said:

You don't seem to care that the most regressive tax in the UK, the BBC TV licence fee, is enforced by home visits and frightening letters that instruct non-customers to obey or they face being interrogated in their own home, guilty until proven innocent, a large fine and a criminal record.


'Defund the BBC ' a campaign group that wants to decriminalise the BBC TV licence fee has seen rapid growth since it was launched on 29 June 2020 and has managed to raise over £65,000 so far from people donating as little as £5 or £10. This is truly magnificent for grass roots people power, taking on the mighty BBC upper class Establishment behemoth.


The people VS the BBC. 


The people will win.


You can decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee without defunding (ie abolishing) the BBC.


An Act of Parliament would do the job.

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3 minutes ago, Longcol said:

You can decriminalise non-payment of the licence fee without defunding (ie abolishing) the BBC.


An Act of Parliament would do the job.

That's true.


But the BBC (and it's supporters) are extremely resistant to any change to the current licence fee system.

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4 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

That's true.


But the BBC (and it's supporters) are extremely resistant to any change to the current licence fee system.

I think they're resistant to the BBC being abolished or becoming a mouthpiece for Tory propaganda.

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14 hours ago, Pettytom said:

I was explaining the difference between a tv licence and a firearms licence. Mostly to highlight your false equivalence.

There was no false equivalence.


There is no requirement for me to make a declaration that I don't own a firearm with any firearms authority. Just as there is no requirement for me to make a declaration that I don't watch or record live television broadcasts or BBC iPlayer with the TV Licensing authority.


BBC TV Licensing do threaten me with a home visit, large fine and criminal record if I do not get in touch with them.


The firearms authority do not. 

Edited by Car Boot
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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

There was no false equivalence.


There is no requirement for me to make a declaration that I don't own a firearm with any firearms authority. Just as there is no requirement for me to make a declaration that I don't watch or record live television broadcasts or BBC iPlayer with the TV Licensing authority.


BBC TV Licensing do threaten me with a home visit, large fine and criminal record if I do not get in touch with them.


The firearms authority do not. 

They would if you had a shotgun.


Whether you intended to fire it, or not.


They might approach with caution.

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  • 1 month later...

"TV licence evasion was the most common offence for which females were convicted in 2019. In 2019, 74% of those convicted for TV licence evasion were female. This offence accounted for 30% of all female convictions, compared to 4% of male convictions."


Statistics  on Women and the Criminal Justice  System 2019.

A Ministry of Justice publication under Section 95 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991. 

Published 26 November 2020.




The BBC continues with its policy of indirect gender discrimination to target women  who are massively overrepresented in criminal convictions for BBC TV licence fee evasion.


According to the BBC, it's not discrimination when they practice it - only when others do.  


You won't hear about this on BBC news. It's not censorship when the BBC practices it.



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On 28/11/2020 at 09:40, Car Boot said:

The BBC continues with its policy of indirect gender discrimination to target women  who are massively overrepresented in criminal convictions for BBC TV licence fee evasion.

Not this rubbish again.   You've been shown on numerous posts that the only reason this happens is because more women are at home during the day when the licence people call.


If only there was some way they could avoid this. I don't know how, maybe BUY A LICENCE?

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On 30/11/2020 at 11:07, alchresearch said:

Not this rubbish again.   You've been shown on numerous posts that the only reason this happens is because more women are at home during the day when the licence people call.


If only there was some way they could avoid this. I don't know how, maybe BUY A LICENCE?

I'd say a better way would be to simply close the door on any license inspector who turns up and ignore their intimidating letters- there's not a thing they can do about it.


Fact remains, as car boot says-

"TV licence evasion was the most common offence for which females were convicted in 2019. In 2019, 74% of those convicted for TV licence evasion were female. This offence accounted for 30% of all female convictions, compared to 4% of male convictions."


Gender discrimination does not require intentionality, it is about results and consequences, and the results and consequences of BBC current policy, as seen from the above quote, is gender discrimination. In any other context where women where brutalised to this extent, the BBC might well be doing a documentary to highlight the injustice- clearly they won't in this instance.

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