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TV licence thread

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More than 860,000 TV licences were cancelled in 2017-18, compared with 798,000 in 2016-17. 


Poor quality programmes, an increasingly expensive BBC TV Licence fee and greater choice elsewhere are driving people to scrap the BBC and dump the outdated and regressive BBC TV Licence fee in the dustbin of history.


This is 2019, not 1979. 

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I won't be renewing my license this year.


I stream any terrestial tv through an IPTV subscription.  But even that is a fraction of what I watch.   I'm not wasting money on it anymore.


If CB's figures are correct, then the costs of chasing down non-compliants is going to exponentially higher than the income they get from it.  Bugger that.  I'm not giving my hard-earned cash up to any organisation that calls Andrew Neill a journalist. 

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Car boot,


860,000 is a lot. I wonder if people are just not watching TV,  or maybe these people just don't bother about a license any more. I don't hear about people being prosecuted on a grand scale. 


They used to say even if you have a video recorder and no TV you still must have a license, as the video can receive the signal being transmitted.

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2 hours ago, irishill said:

how can we be rich pensionerswhen we can't afford to have the heating on full or the gas you talking through the top off your hat you will be old yourself one day so shut your gob

Boom boom, direct hit on the target.🤣🤣  Nowt like been direct.



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On 04/02/2019 at 17:02, bendix said:

I won't be renewing my license this year.


I stream any terrestial tv through an IPTV subscription.  But even that is a fraction of what I watch.   I'm not wasting money on it anymore.

Watch it with that as you may still be liable to pay it even if it is streamed.

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18 hours ago, irishill said:

how can we be rich pensionerswhen we can't afford to have the heating on full or the gas you talking through the top off your hat you will be old yourself one day so shut your gob

Exactly that, seeing as the British old age pension is the lowest in the civilised world. The normal working week in this country whilst I have been working, is 40 hours. 

The government states a minumim of 8 pounds 21p per hour so therefore every pensioner should be on a minimum of 328 pounds 40p per week,  otherwise it is  less than the amount that the government states as  a minimum. Then perhaps it would enable OAPs to have a decent standard of living, and the government to stop treating them like second class citizens with gimmics like free tv livences and bus passes with strings attached, etc.   As for the disgusting BBC it should have been wound up years ago.

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On 04/02/2019 at 17:02, bendix said:

I won't be renewing my license this year.


I stream any terrestial tv through an IPTV subscription.  But even that is a fraction of what I watch.   I'm not wasting money on it anymore.


If CB's figures are correct, then the costs of chasing down non-compliants is going to exponentially higher than the income they get from it.  Bugger that.  I'm not giving my hard-earned cash up to any organisation that calls Andrew Neill a journalist. 

If you stream live television broadcasts you are required by law to pay the BBC TV Licence fee.

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7 hours ago, spilldig said:

Exactly that, seeing as the British old age pension is the lowest in the civilised world. The normal working week in this country whilst I have been working, is 40 hours. 

The government states a minumim of 8 pounds 21p per hour so therefore every pensioner should be on a minimum of 328 pounds 40p per week,  otherwise it is  less than the amount that the government states as  a minimum. Then perhaps it would enable OAPs to have a decent standard of living, and the government to stop treating them like second class citizens with gimmics like free tv livences and bus passes with strings attached, etc.   As for the disgusting BBC it should have been wound up years ago.


I agree it's all repeats anyway and too much filth for my liking

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