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TV licence thread

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4 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Nice, so now you're supporting the same course of action that remainers have been advocating for the last 3 years with regard to Brexit!


Yay! :thumbsup:


I always find it amusing how the values you expouse in this thread are the polar opposite to those in the Brexit thread.


You love those metropolitan capitalist elites just fine here, you spend the majority of  your time advertising for them! :hihi:



Stop supporting GREEDY BBC VULTURES!

Edited by Car Boot
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4 hours ago, melthebell said:

Did rich and middle class over75s not get it free then? What about those poorer ones on pension credit that will still get it?

The BBC has carried out an Equality Impact Assessment on the change to the free BBC TV licences for the over 75s. It has shown that vulnerable groups will be harmed - especially women, the disabled and black and minority ethnic people.


The BBC's own research has shown that these groups will be harmed, yet it is still going ahead. This tells us everything we need to know about the REAL BBC attitude towards equality and diversity. We have seen it numerous times over the years, the attacks by the BBC against women have a long and shameful history.





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10 minutes ago, Car Boot said:



Stop supporting GREEDY BBC VULTURES!

Again, how many rich pensioners get a free TV license? How does poorer pensioners getting the free TV license still attack poorer pensioners?

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32 minutes ago, Car Boot said:


I do, I'd be happy if this decision was re-considered in light of the facts... just as I would like the opportunity for the same with regard to Brexit!


I haven't been vocal at all in trying to prevent either... :roll:



Stop supporting GREEDY BBC VULTURES!

So what you're really saying is, let's overturn a decision based on the wishes of the people!


Gasp! Well I never! :hihi:


Blaming the wrong people doesn't help those pensioners either... the BBC is not a benefits agency, any fault lies squarely with the government.

Edited by Magilla
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12 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Again, how many rich pensioners get a free TV license? How does poorer pensioners getting the free TV license still attack poorer pensioners?

The poorer pensioners will only get a free TV licence if they agree to be means tested.  Many poorer pensioners will have too much pride to agree to be means tested and will pay the licence fee.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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You'd think as a 'socialist' carboot you'd support real help for the poorer in society instead of a blanket That means rich ones benefit as well as the poorer?

If you can pay your way surely you should?

the queen and prince Phillip probably  get it too, obviously poor?

1 minute ago, Lockdoctor said:

The poorer pensioners will only get a free TV licence if they agree to be means tested.  Many poorer pensioners will have too much pride to agree to be means tested and will pay the licence fee.

So cos they're too proud means we should spend more money than needed on people that don't need it?


That could be spent on the nhs ;)

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22 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The poorer pensioners will only get a free TV licence if they agree to be means tested. Many poorer pensioners will have too much pride to agree to be means tested and will pay the licence fee.

As pointed out earlier, considering the daily cost of the license, if they haven't been tested and this cost geniunely is a real problem then clearly they also can't be heating their home or feeding themselves properly while they do currently get the license for free.


Those people really should be in care  or at the very least, someone should be ensuring they are claiming pension credits.

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

It's time to scrap the TV licence for everyone.  The TV licence was introduced before the days of hundreds of different channels and broadband.  Most households pay for a broadband subscription and broadband is the new way which many people have started to watch television through so called smart televisions.  The TV licence  should be replaced by something like a broadband tax built into broadband subscriptions which should go to fund the BBC.   Also the BBC should start taking revenue from advertising during peak viewing hours.  The BBC also need to cut costs.

Ahhhh..  right....


So you want to scrap a mandatory licence which people  pay if they CHOOSE to receive television broadcasts and instead compel ALL broadband subscribers to additional pay tax on their supply charge regardless of whether they choose to watch any live broadcast television or not. 



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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Mass protests against the BBC will be held up and down the country outside BBC buildings and offices. The first of these protests will be held on Friday 21 June. 


The hated and feared BBC TV tax must fall! 



Given that the people who actually drew up the legal requirements of the Communications Act 2003 and the only ones who can change such law are all sat around in Westminser,  protesting outside BBC buildings seems a complete mistarget to me.


I certainly wont be supporting the pensioners.    Those on the absolute lowest incomes will still get a free licence and those are the ones who need support.  


All the rest should quite rightly should pay their way, just like just like they happily did up until they reached above 75 years old and just like all their predecessors were doing up until rule changes in 2000.


Pensioners are not alone in having to watch the pennies and they are certainly not the only ones feeling the pinch.    Plenty of younger people are having to manage on much less disposible income than some of our so called "poor" pensioners get.     They still have to pay if they want to use the service.   They still have to follow the law.


I am all for respect your elders to a point but I never have and never will buy into this OTT nonsense that just because someone is old gives an excuse for unwarranted entitlement.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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41 minutes ago, melthebell said:


So cos they're too proud means we should spend more money than needed on people that don't need it?


That could be spent on the nhs ;)

I don't think it is fair that poor pensioners who already get a free TV licence  should have to be means tested to keep a free TV licence.  It wouldn't be so bad if all pensioners already receiving a free TV licence were allowed to keep it and  only future pensioners over 75 needed to be means tested to get a free TV licence. Taking away a free TV  licence seems unfair.


4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Ahhhh..  right....


So you want to scrap a mandatory licence which people  pay if they CHOOSE to receive television broadcasts and instead compel ALL broadband subscribers to additional pay tax on their supply charge regardless of whether they choose to watch any live broadcast television or not. 



You've missed my point by a country mile.  People who watch television now who pay for a TV licence have to fund the BBC even if they never watch any BBC programs.  The point is the TV licence is outdated and new ways should be introduced to fund the BBC .   

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