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TV licence thread

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5 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Thank you.


Together we shall Defund the BBC!

Well, a right wing Tory government might try to pass such a law in order to remove a source of news that tries to be balanced rather than supports the press barons.


Have you heard of Rupert Murdoch btw 😎

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8 hours ago, Longcol said:

Well, a right wing Tory government might try to pass such a law in order to remove a source of news that tries to be balanced rather than supports the press barons.


Have you heard of Rupert Murdoch btw 😎

who do you think pays he/she/it/them?



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Got an email yesterday saying "You've just days left to renew your TV Licence"  it is a fortnight before it is due, why do they say that when there is still 2 weeks before it is due. Oh and yes it is a genuine mail not the scam mails going around, it says the same every year.

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BBC 'terrifies' the elderly with 'threatening' licence fee letters warning viewers of a £1,000 fine if they do not stump up the £157.50-a-year cost


The BBC has been accused of 'terrifying' the elderly with 'threatening' licence fee letters warning viewers of a £1,000 fine if they do not pay the £157.50-a-year cost. Social media users complained online after receiving the letters, which are emblazoned with red capital letters and informed recipients they could face prosecution. The letter reads: 'Our records show your property has no TV licence. I visited today, to find out why.










The outside of the envelope.


The BBC under its trademark 'TV Licensing' is still harassing non-customers for payments with the use of doorstep visits and threatening letters. I don't have a rod fishing licence because I don't fish, can I expect a visit from the Environment Agency to find out why? I also don't have a firearms licence, because I don't have any firearms (never have, never will). Will the police visit me to find out why I don't have a firearms licence?


Wicked Auntie Beeb has sent me hundreds of threatening letters and visited me at home to demand money with menaces although I don't watch or record live television broadcasts or iPlayer...


In 2020 these threats and intimidation are not acceptable. Defund the BBC.



Edited by Car Boot
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Yawn. Nothing to see here folks. Just another load of Daily Mail manufactured outrage and desperate social media trawling to try and find a story that isnt there. 


"...Terrifies the elderly.." my backside.


What do we have have? An article where the protagonist is some whinging hysteric in their 20s and a load of twitterati airheads spewing out their unwanted and irrelevant opinions.


Jesus christ, if you gonna do something at least find some old codger to interview and pose for the obligatory sad face photograph.  


They are not even trying in their anti BBC campaign anymore.


1/10 poor effort. Report to me after class. Must do better.

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3 hours ago, Car Boot said:

I don't have a rod fishing licence because I don't fish, can I expect a visit from the Environment Agency to find out why? I also don't have a firearms licence, because I don't have any firearms (never have, never will). Will the police visit me to find out why I don't have a firearms licence?




Presumably, you do own a TV set.


You don’t need a firearms licence because you don’t own a firearm.


You can finish this off for yourself. 

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3 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Presumably, you do own a TV set.


You don’t need a firearms licence because you don’t own a firearm.


You can finish this off for yourself. 

What does owning a television have to do with the legal requirement to purchase a BBC TV licence?


Absolutely nothing. I've owned televisions for years and have never been required to buy a BBC TV licence.


I watch the majority of my Netflix and YouTube on streaming devices, none of which are a 'tv set'.


Owning a 'TV set' to watch live television broadcasts is sooo twentieth century. Even the term 'tv set' is old fashioned and out of date. Just like the BBC and it's feared and hated TV licence fee.


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28 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

What does owning a television have to do with the legal requirement to purchase a BBC TV licence?


Absolutely nothing. I've owned televisions for years and have never been required to buy a BBC TV licence.




I was explaining the difference between a tv licence and a firearms licence. Mostly to highlight your false equivalence.

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5 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Yawn. Nothing to see here folks. Just another load of Daily Mail manufactured outrage and desperate social media trawling to try and find a story that isnt there. 


"...Terrifies the elderly.." my backside.


What do we have have? An article where the protagonist is some whinging hysteric in their 20s and a load of twitterati airheads spewing out their unwanted and irrelevant opinions.


Jesus christ, if you gonna do something at least find some old codger to interview and pose for the obligatory sad face photograph.  


They are not even trying in their anti BBC campaign anymore.


1/10 poor effort. Report to me after class. Must do better.

You don't seem to care that the most regressive tax in the UK, the BBC TV licence fee, is enforced by home visits and frightening letters that instruct non-customers to obey or they face being interrogated in their own home, guilty until proven innocent, a large fine and a criminal record.


'Defund the BBC ' a campaign group that wants to decriminalise the BBC TV licence fee has seen rapid growth since it was launched on 29 June 2020 and has managed to raise over £65,000 so far from people donating as little as £5 or £10. This is truly magnificent for grass roots people power, taking on the mighty BBC upper class Establishment behemoth.


The people VS the BBC. 


The people will win.


Edited by Car Boot
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No I don't care. The rules are very simple and have been since TV licensing was first introduced.


Tell you what I do care about though, national newspapers creating completely misleading headlines and fabricating stories out of nothing but a load of uncorroborated social media opinion.


Tell you another thing I care about even more is calling out posters like you peddling repeated blatant lies, selective editing and mistruths to desperately try and further an agenda.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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