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Before voting for Labour again, Visit Cuba

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I have just returned from the socialist paradise of Cuba. 5 million people living on an island 3/4s the size of the UK yet whose agriculture is so undeveloped it has to import most of its food.


A doctor to every 150 people. Doctors who earn one 10th of what a taxi driver earns. Transport out of Havana is medieval. Largely horse and cart.


If this is what 50 years of socialism has given these poor sods, make sure you vote Tory at every opportunity.


To be fair I've never voted Labour, but I'd still like to take you up on your offer.

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Alan your problem is you cant compare like with like. You gave the example of Cuba, but you laughably ignored the fact that a 60 year embargo might have had on its economic development. This is why your thread was a fail. Scandinavian countries seem to do quite well. Perhaps the locals just spotted you and your attitude then treated you accordingly.


Scandinavian countries are not remotely Socialist. It's a myth.


There are only 4 socialist states in the world - China, Laos, Cuba and Vietnam. North Korea claims to be a Socialist state but has been a dictatorship since 1992, which is what all Socialist states are really.


Oh, and the idea that Labour are Democratic Socialists is laughable. There is NOTHING democratic about Labour. Ask their supporter who was arrested under anti-terror laws for heckling Jack Straw at a party conference. Free speech my a**e.


---------- Post added 25-01-2016 at 16:46 ----------


Jeez..have you seen the price of stuff in Scandinavia? :)


And 55% basic rate income tax. Sounds socialist doesn't it?

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Scandinavian countries are not remotely Socialist. It's a myth.


There are only 4 socialist states in the world - China, Laos, Cuba and Vietnam. North Korea claims to be a Socialist state but has been a dictatorship since 1992, which is what all Socialist states are really.


Oh, and the idea that Labour are Democratic Socialists is laughable. There is NOTHING democratic about Labour. Ask their supporter who was arrested under anti-terror laws for heckling Jack Straw at a party conference. Free speech my a**e.


I don't think that China's a socialist state anymore, I'd say it's more capitalist than we are. Nowadays in China money is king.

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Jeez...have you seen the price of stuff in Scandinavia? :)
I have, on and off, for bits of designer this-and-that (mostly artisan furniture)...but it's a small-time issue these days compared to where their rate of taxation is going :o


Denmark, with the highest tax-to-GDP ratio in the EU, added another 2.7%. At that level, it is arguable whether you can really be categorised as a free-market economy. France became the second highest-taxed state (overtaking Belgium), adding 0.5%. Ireland, Malta and Cyprus all saw big jumps in their ratios, a nasty legacy of the euro crisis.
Now I know correlation is not causation but, about that bit in bold...Hollande heads the socialists in France and took the helm in 2012 with a Parliamentarian majority, on a tax-the-rich electoral platform. Just sayin' Edited by L00b
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Sure they weren't by the time you left?


I did my best.


---------- Post added 25-01-2016 at 17:51 ----------


I don't think that China's a socialist state anymore, I'd say it's more capitalist than we are. Nowadays in China money is king.


It always was, thats why Chou en Lai and Mao had Swiss bank accounts. It is however a communist state, no free elections nothing resembling a free press.

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I have just returned from the socialist paradise of Cuba. 5 million people living on an island 3/4s the size of the UK yet whose agriculture is so undeveloped it has to import most of its food.


A doctor to every 150 people. Doctors who earn one 10th of what a taxi driver earns. Transport out of Havana is medieval. Largely horse and cart.


If this is what 50 years of socialism has given these poor sods, make sure you vote Tory at every opportunity.


Why did you choose to torture yourself in that way? Why would somebody with clear right-wing views choose to spend their money propping up the evil of socialism? Do you go to Wickes to play with the barbed wire too?


Admit it Alan, you went to Skeggy for a day, saw a 'Vote Labour' poster in a window and then let your imagination run riot.

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Socialism always fails.It defies nature. No matter which way you dress it up it doesnt work, Trots, Stalinists, Soc Dems, whichever model you choose, it fails.

Communism and socialism are very different.


I would have paid a high price for a Mcdonalds or a KFC. Tepid slices of non descript "meat" accompanied by various rice concoctions, weak beer and disgusting wine, lousy service included, the worst trip ever. Thank god for capitalism.


Weird, I know quite a few people who've been to Cuba, and most of them (no matter what political persuasion) love it, some have even been several times.

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